Wakatoshi Ushijima

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⚠️Warning⚠️Gore, blood, murder

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Gore, blood, murder

You, Tendou, and Ushijima were all sitting at lunch together. Normally lunch is fun because you and Tendou would talk about all kinds of stuff but today, Tendou won't talk at all.

It was strange, everytime you started a conversation, Tendou would immediately shoot you down. It was confusing.

Ushijima wouldn't stop looking over at Tendou when he started talking to me.

There your best friends, what the hell happened.

"Hey Tendou-"

"Sorry, I have to use the restroom." Tendou stood up quickly and left.

'Wtf is going on?!' You said in your head.

Out of worry, you got up, but pulled back down by Ushijima.

"What are you doing, sit." His voice was stern as his eyes stared deep into your soul. It gave you the chills.

"Oh, I just wanted to make sure Tendou was ok-"

"He's fine, he texted me." Ushijima pulled out his phone and showed you the text.

It said he wasn't feeling good, and headed home for the rest of the day.

"Aww, that sucks. I have next class with him." You said as you pouted and plopped back down in the seat."Now I'm going to be all alone."

You let out a sigh and looked at Ushimjima, "Could you tell him I said to hurry and get-" you paused and looked at Ushijima's hand. It was clenched tight on his phone.

"Hey are you okay?" You asked as you put your hand on his. His hand relaxed and warmed up a bit.

"Yea, I'm fine." He said with his deep voice. Then the bell went off for lunch.

"Okay well I'm going to see you after school alright! We'll meet at Tendou's!" You said as you got up and packed everything to go to class.

"Yea, see you there." Was the last thing you hear before you headed to class.


You looked down at your phone and saw the text as you reached Tendou's house.

"I'll meet you at Tendou's" you said aloud as you reached the house.

"How dare he leave me like that, I had to walk the whole way here. I could have gotten a piggy back ride." You whined as you opened the door. Only to stop in horror.

Blood, it was everywhere. You cover your mouth pondering if you should go inside or not.

'Ushijima or Tendou could be hurt really bad, I need to know if they're alright.' You said you carefully walked in the house.

You walked around the house quietly, then hearing a muffled sound coming from Tendou's room. You walked closer and hear a deep voice.

"I told you to stay away from her." The voice said. "And you didn't listen, so now you have to pay."

You slowly open the door to see a murder scene. Tendou was sprawled on the floor, his blood everywhere in the room. He was obviously stabbed multiple times.

You fell down as you saw the sight. Tears streaming down your face.

"Y/n," you hear the deep voice speak. You freeze as you realize who it was.

You lifted you head up, scared knowing who it was. Hoping it wasn't it. But what you saw made you sob out loud.

Ushijima was sitting on Tendou's bed covered in blood. He had his usual look on his face as he looked down at Tendou, knife in hand.

When he looked at you his eyes softend.

"Y/n, I'm glad you could join us." Ushijima said as you were still frozen in fear. He walked over to you and grabbed your face and kissed your lips.

You couldn't resist as you were mortified.

"Now no one is in the way of our love, right?"


Requested by dangan-mess

I hope ya'll liked it, it was kinda rushed but yeah!

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