Shoyo Hinata

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⚠️Warning⚠️Blood and drug use

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Blood and drug use

He was acting normally when you first met him, but now...

He scares the crap out of you.


The orange haired male purred as you hide in front of the door, covering your mouth.

"Let me in," there was a loud bang.

"I know your inside." He said as you looked up to make sure you locked the door.

'Thank god I locked the door,' You thought to yourself as there was another loud bang at the door. Then quiet.

It was quiet, too quiet.

You stood up slowly, but then the loud bangs came back making you jump in fear. They were getting fast and repetitive.

Then you could see a hole on your front door. And Hinata's bloody fist grab the lock on the door.

You screamed as you ran up stairs. You ran to your room, hiding under your bed.

"Y/n~," you hear Hinata say. "I killed them for you. They were hurting you." He says as he reminds you of the horrible scene.

You hear footsteps go up the stairs.

"Are you in here?" He says as he walks past your room. You sigh.

"Or in here?" He says as you can see his bloody sneakers walk into your room.

You put your hand on your mouth, tears streaming down your face.

"I did it because I love you, and you love me."

'I hate you now, you murderer,' you said in your head.

Or so you thought.

"Don't say that!' Hinata yells as he sticks his head under the bed. You scream as he grabs your arms and pulls you out from under the bed.

"Y/n, you love me! Say it!" He yells, he had a tight grip on your arms, making you look at him.

He eyes were crazy looking, and his beautiful orange hair was covered in your bullies' blood.

"I hate you Hinata! I hate you, I hate-" you were hit by Hinata.

"Don't say that! You love me! I know you do!" He screams at you again.

"No I don't!" You yell as you kick and scream in his arms. Hinata pushed you on the bed and shoved a cloth on your mouth.

You tried not to breathe it in, but it was to late as you were already falling asleep.

Hinata pulled you in his arms, "my precious Y/n, your going to stay with me forever!" He says happily as he rocked you back and forth on his bloody body.

Hey so this one was a little longer, but anyways I hope you guys enjoyed!

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