It only counts if you call it

Start from the beginning

Church looked at caboose in disbelief

Church: you brought a freelancer here! What's wrong with you?

Ren: why is Jaune so afraid of freelancers?

View: freelancers are elite super soldiers, and Jaune does not have a great track record with them.

Agent Washington stepped in front of caboose

Washington: open This gate.

Church smiled smugly under his helmet

Church: no can do bud, you see this is a secure facility. Nobody in, nobody out, sorry guess you'll have to come back, never.

Washington sighed and shook his head

Washington: oh no, guess I'll just have to walk through the huge wall in you "secure base."

Ironwood: why the hell is there a hole in the wall! He should have fixed it, it comprises the base!

Church sighed in defeat

Church: fine, I'll open the fucking gate.

Church led them inside, showing the trashed oddly empty base.

Church: sorry about the mess, I would have cleaned up if I knew someone was coming. But hey, no one called.

Winter raised an eyebrow

Winter: where are all the soldiers? This is a big base, there should be at least a battalion.

Ozpin nodded, agreeing with winters logic

Ozpin: I agree, is seems as if he is alone there.

Washington too seemed to be confused by the lack of men in the base, and turned to church

Washington: how long have you been here?

Church shrugged

Church: what's today?

Washington: it's Tuesday

Church: I've been here 14 months.

Washington: what? Over a year, by yourself, alone?

Church nodded

Cinder: that seems pointless. Leaving one trooper in a base.

Coco: that's gotta be pretty mentally damaging right?

Neptune nodded along with coco's logic

Neptune; he's left alone with his thoughts, gotta he boring as hell.

Church: yeah, it's been great. I- just- great, really great.

A call came in, as Washington stepped away to answer it.

*this is command calling recovery one, come in recovery one*

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