After affects

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Waking up, Mason was a wreck. He has a pounding headache and his face was cracked and dry from the tears. He tried speaking only to find that his voice sounded like nails on a chalk board. Orion purred delicately on his lap as he sat up. His eyes immediately landed on the pendant as he looked around the room. He willed it into his hands, and it appeared there. He inspected over for a series of minutes before finally pulling it on.

He got up and washed his face off, destroying the physical evidence that he'd cried himself to sleep. He knew his headache would dissappear before he arrived at work, though his voice would take longer to heal. He pulled out his travel mug and poured himself a piping cup full of dark black coffee. Popping the lid on, he went into the garage and hopped on his bike. The weather was gray, but his temperature ran high so he couldn't really feel the cold. Orion had jumped on the bike with him, causing Mason to smile. He put the cat in a special compartment he'd made for him before driving off to work.

Now that he had some of the answers he wanted, and a way to get more, he felt light and airy. Like one the chains weighing him down had snapped, lighting the pressure in his chest.

The morgue was just as he'd left it, only this time with a new addition. A live one this time. Carlisle stood off to the side while looking him over.

"You know, if anyone else saw you they'd think you were going to get murdered by me."Carlisle then smiled slightly, almost chuckling at his sense of humor. "I'm not going to bite you, contrary to what your son seems to think, I'm not some uncontrollable beast." Mason had said the last part with some venom, at which Carlisle seemed uncomfortable at. "I am sorry for my family's animosity towards you and your pack, but you have to understand, our kinds have a long and complicated history." Mason smiled stiffly at that his body tense. He had no doubt that the vampires had twisted the story to make them seem like rabid pack animals. He decided to drop the issue for now not wanting to get mad.

Orion, who had sensed Mason's change in mood hopped up on his shoulders and began to purrs and nestle against him in reassurance. Then Mason turned towards the cooler, faltering in his steps. He let out a sigh in remorse before stepping towards the freezer, and pulling out the cold dead body of his godfather. He closed his eyes and muttered a prayer in Arabic, before beginning to determine a probable human cause of death, already knowing how he actually had died.

"His name was Samir. He unofficially adopted my mother and her sister in an orphanage in Syria. He watched me grow up from a distance you know. In order to protect me, he could not be near me. He did all of this for me, an orphan who isn't anything but an uncontrollable entity." Carlisle had a grim look on his face as he placed a hand on Mason's shoulders in comfort. Mason smiled at Samir. The man had truly loved him. It was painful but also peaceful for Mason. He may be dead but his body still spoke to him. It told him where he's been, what he's lived through, and who he was. 

Carlisle was so into watching Mason work that he almost didn't hear the door open. Mason turned towards the noise from where he'd been sewing the body up again. He was going to bury Samir next to Selene and his parents. It was what he thought was the best idea, so that the family would be together, even in death. He would need to call the funeral home later on for the arrangements of his burial in the family graveyard.

The noise turned put to be Carlisle son, Edward. He looked mad and repulsed at what he'd walked in on. His attitude was starting to annoy Mason. He told Carlisle that he needed to speak to him privately. They looked at each other and a message seemed to pass between them. Carlisle nodded towards Mason, excusing himself before briskly following Edward away. Mason sighed, only giving up and pushing the the table over to the to the cooler, to keep him preserved for the funeral home. 

Mason slipped some of his magic into the pendant and smiled as it lit up in acknowledgement. "Samir, are you there?" It was a moment before he heard a husky voice in his head. "Yes child." "Ok,  out of curiosity, just how powerfull will I be when I develop my magic?" "There is no denying you will be one of, if not the, most powefull creatures in existence. However you will have vulnerabilities. Nature does not stand for an inbalance of power. You are vulnerable to angel and devils traps, weapons forged in the holy wars, angelic and demonic weapons, and finally pure blood, such as a new born baby, harms you and can essentially kill you. This information however, is currently unknown to the population of the supernatural world, so you are essentially allmighty and can not be killed." Mason made a hum of affirmation, before Samir began to speak again, this time hesitant. "There is another way to kill that is common amongst supernatural beings. When you meet your imprint, and you two accept each other fully, a bond is formed in your soul. If that person breaks the bond, meaning they leave you, you become a kasr alruwh and if they don't come back withing two years, you will die. When they leave you will feel immeasurable pain, and your veins will start to form and angry black. The same thing can happen with humans and their soulmates."  This made Mason freeze in his movements. (He'd been moving around documents previously.) He was hesitant in his response, which made Samir realize something. "You've met him haven't you, child?" Mason's lack of response confirmed his suspicions. He then decided to let Mason decide what to do, knowing he'd call for him if he had a question.

Mason could almost laugh at the situation. The very reason he'd stayed alive for, is also the very reason he could die. He could only hope Carlisle wouldn't leave or get sick of him and reject him.

He sighed and decided to forget it for tonight, resorting to filing away papers and reshelving the numerous books he'd taken off the shelves earlier. He had been looking for a spell, particularly for both Sam and Emily. To heal the scars he'd caused.

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