Chapter 20

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Neji blinked slowly before his mind caught up to what was happening. Groaning, he covered his face with his hand and blushed in embarrassment. "Ah, I am so sorry Kazekage-sama. I don't know what came over me." When the redhead didn't reply, he looked up, hoping he hadn't offended the powerful figure.

Much to his surprise, the Kazekage was looking at the ground, something resembling a pout on his face. "K- Kazekage-sama? Um, I-"

"Gaara." Neji froze.

"I'm sorry?"

"Yesterday I told you to call me Gaara."

Neji frowned. "That would be inappropriate seeing as you are-" Gaara cut him off again. "No. Call me Gaara." Seeing as he wasn't going to let this up anytime soon, Neji gave in. "Alright. Gaara." Besides, it wouldn't hurt to make a new friend.

The smallest of smiles crossed the redhead's face. "Would you like to use the shower?" A quick look at his clothes told him that he wasn't too dirty. Besides, he had used the Kazeka- er... Gaara's shower not two days ago. He didn't want to be a burden.

Neji politely declined the offer, missing the small flash of disappointment in Gaara's eyes. "I'm sorry you had to bring me to your house. It was indecent, and it won't happen again." Gaara nodded. "Alright. Would you at least stay for breakfast?"

The Hyuuga opened his mouth to decline, but his stomach beat him to it, rumbling loudly. Blushing furiously, he nodded. "If I'm not too much of a bother." Gaara's lip twitched upward. "No problem. Make yourself at home." With that, the redhead left the room, letting a low chuckle break out as soon as the door was safely closed behind him. Were all Hyuugas this adorable?

10 minutes later, the brunette emerged from the bedroom, tentatively sniffing the air. "Smell good?" Neji nodded and walked over to the table, sliding into a seat. Moments after he sat down, a plate of steaming hot dumplings were placed in front of him, coupled with a few slices of an orange.

"I have to go meet the Hokage in a few minutes. Here." Gaara gently took Neji's hand and placed a ring of keys on his palm. "These are the keys to the house. When you're ready to leave just lock up on your way out ok?" Neji nodded, eyes still on the delicious plate in front of him.

The brunette picked up the fork and dug in, closing his eyes and letting the flavors dance on his tongue. If only he could eat homemade food every day.

Once he finished, the Hyuuga placed the dishes in the sink, thoroughly washing them before putting them back up again. Gripping the keys in his hand, he walked out, locking the door behind him. Neji was halfway to his own apartment when he realized that he'd have to find a way to return the keys somehow.

Meanwhile, on his way to the Hokage's office, Gaara mentally gave himself a pat on the back. He didn't know what it was about the Hyuuga, but somehow, Neji made him want to conspire to bump into him more often. Giving his keys to the brunette was the perfect plan to ensure they see each other again.

Schooling his features into a stoic mask, Gaara approaches the Hokage's door and knocks loudly. Almost immediately, Tsunade flung open the door, ushering Gaara into the room. The woman made a gesture to the seat across from her. The Kazekage sat, and silently handed the blonde a stack of files.

The redhead let her flip through the files while he double checked the jutsus guarding the Hokage's office. Seeing that they were all intact and working, he let his shoulder's relax. Tsunade threw the files she had skimmed onto the table, breaking the intense silence with a loud, thump.

"That's all the information you got?" Gaara stared at her, his voice as cool as stone. "I'm afraid who we're dealing with is good, very good. None of my men have been able to gather any information." Tsunade groaned, massaging the bridge of her nose.

"So we have nothing of use." The tall blonde sighed. "Do we at least have a prediction of where he's going to strike next?" At this the redhead narrowed his eyes. "With all due respect ma'am, we don't even know if it's a he or a she. "

"What about the Akatsuki? Is there any possible way that a member isn't dead, and decided to try and avenge their comrades?"

"No way at all. All the Akatsuki's bodies have been taken into account. Though there is not any way of knowing where their souls currently are, no one but you has the resources to reincarnate them."

Tsunade frowned. "Shoot." With a grunt, she got up, tossing the files back to Gaara. "Alright then. That's all. I would like for you to remain in Konoha for the time being, if that's ok?" He nodded. "Of course."

On his way to the door, Gaara stopped suddenly and turned around, facing the Hokage. "When are we going to tell him?" The woman looked away, furrowing her brows. A silence followed her movements.

Sighing, Gaara bowed his head. "Very well. But he needs to know. I think that we should tell him sooner rather than later."

Tsunade snorted, reaching for a sake bottle. "What do you expect me to say? 'Hey, brat, thanks for the papers. By the way, did you know that an unknown nin has killed off all the other jinchuriki, and you and Gaara are next? No? Oh ok, keep that in mind.'" She took a swig of the alcohol, then gave Gaara a pointed look.

"That isn't just something you can bring up in casual conversation. Besides, I would like to at least have some concrete information about this person before we make any rash decisions." The Kazekage nodded, and wordlessly exited the office.

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