Chapter 19

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 Well on the bright side of things, I don't have to explain to dad that Sasuke likes him. On the other hand, now I'll have to calm Naruto the fuck down before he loses control and destroys half the universe. Ahh, shit. Boruto shook his head, gazing warily at Naruto's dumbfounded face.

"Listen, don't freak out, but-"

"Don't freak out? Huh?" Naruto stared at his hands, shaking slightly. "I think... heh, I think it's a bit too late for that. I am very much freaking out right now."

"I mean, Sasuke he- Why? He-" Naruto looked up at Boruto with wide eyes. "Why didn't he tell me? I- This changes everything. I have to talk to him, I have to-" The older blonde jumped out of bed, slightly stumbling. "Calm down." Naruto looked up at him, glaring.

"Aha, you're right. That was a dumb thing to say. How could you be calm in a situation like this? Um..." Boruto glanced at his father. "I'm not sure you should jump to conclusions just yet though."

Upon hearing his words, the teen's face adopted a horrified look. "Oh my god your right."

"What if I misinterpreted this wrong? What if it's just a fluke? I could have accidentally told Sasuke my feelings, and then I'll find out that it was a mistake, and he doesn't like me like that, and then things will be really awkward and then-"

"NARUTO! Please, that's not what I meant." Boruto sighed. Panicking blondes were really hard to deal with. Is this how Sarada feels when I go off on one of my rants about dad? He grimaced. I'm so sorry, Sarada. I promise I'll make it up to you when I get back.

"Listen, Naruto. What I mean is that you shouldn't just up and confront him about this. I mean, I don't know Sasuke that well, but I know for a fact that if someone accused me of kissing them, I would clam up immediately. You'll have to find the right time to bring this up."

Slowly but surely, the blonde nodded. "Your right. I should break it to him slowly. I'll invite him out tonight, and then I'll tell him what I know. I... I... I'll tell him I love him. Even if.. he doesn't like me back." Boruto smiled softly. "Sounds like a plan."


Neji sat on a black wooden stool. He was sitting at the bar, playing with an empty glass in front of him. He groaned, exasperated by the recent events. Was I too harsh on him? I didn't mean to lecture him, I just wanted him to realize the extent of his feelings for Naruto.

The brunette sighed, and called upon the bartender. I need another drink. "Hey, give me another shot." The guy nodded, and left quickly to go fetch what the Hyuuga asked for. Neji half heartedly looked down at the glass still in his hands, mind placing the scene before he left on repeat.

"Back so soon?" A deep voice brought Neji out of his stupor, and he lazily glanced behind him. "Kazekage-sama." He greeted the redhead.

"Please, call me Gaara." The bartender came back with a new glass, filled to the brim with a strange amber liquid. Neji took a swig before bitterly asking, "What do you want?" Gaara tilted his head to the right.

"I was just going to get a drink, but then I saw you near the bar. May I ask why? I'd have thought that you would want to stay away from liquor after what happened last time." Neji scowled. "That's none of your business now, is it?"

"You don't have to tell me if you don't want to. I was merely concerned for your wellbeing." Neji snorted. "Yea well, you're the only one, apparently." The redhead gazed at him, a small smile playing on his lips. "Alright. If you dislike my company that much, I'll leave."

The Kazekage turned his back to leave. "Wait." He stopped, then turned around. "Yes?" The brunette looked away, unable to meet his eyes. Mumbling, he said, "You can stay. I don't really mind." Gaara's eyes softened and he let out a soft grin. "Alright."

The redhead slipped into the seat next to Neji's and called for the bartender, ordering something. The two sat in a comfortable silence for a while. After Gaara's drink arrived, Neji spoke up. "So why are you still here? Usually when you visit Naruto you leave after a day."

The teen blinked at him, mildly surprised. "Im flattered, Hyuuga. I didn't know you cared enough to notice." The brunette scoffed. "I'm not stupid. You've come over to visit Naruto so many times that I lost count. I was going to notice even if I wasn't trained in memorizing patterns. Also, cut that Hyuuga crap. If I'm going to call you Gaara, you might as well call me Neji."

"Neji." He smiled, testing the name on his lips. "Alright then, Neji. As for the reason I'm still here, I have business to attend to with your hokage." The Hyuuga nodded. "Figured as much."

"Then why'd you ask?" Neji yawned, peering into his now empty cup. "Wanted to confirm it." Gaara chuckled, greatly amused by the older's drowsiness.

The amusement quickly turned to him getting slightly flustered, though. Neji had finally dozed off and had apparently decided that Gaara's shoulder would make a decent pillow. A pink tone to his face, Gaara shrugged the brunette off, laying his arm around his neck and proceeding to pick him up bridal style.

Smiling politely at the bartender, he paid for both their drinks, and carried the unconscious Hyuuga out the door.

In the morning, the Hyuuga woke up to a somewhat familiar smell. He burrowed into it subconsciously, before the rational part of his brain caught up and told him he wasn't in his own room. Neji shot up immediately, and met the eyes of an incredibly amused Gaara.

"Good morning, Neji. We have really got to stop bumping into each other like this."

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