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I have finally finished editing and revising all them chapters! Now that they're done, I can work on the sequel! YAY!! Unfortunately, I am extremely busy right now, with the end of school and all (Why in the world do teachers assign huge projects when schools about to end???

Anyways, because of this, I can't start on the sequel yet. Besides I would like to work on Sass-suke a bit more, and let ideas for the next book sorta settle in my head. NOT TO WORRY! As soon as I get settled a bit, I will return stronger than ever!

(Speaking of my book, Sass-suke, go read it! It's also time travel! Except instead of just fixing the Boruto universe, its Sasuke going back in time to when they were twelve and fixing everything!! :D)

Anyways, I wrote this A/N even though Im not going to post it until the sequels actually out- dont wanna give yall false hope and all, yaknow? (Im not that cruel, though some of yall might disagree bc of the mitsuki thing. Srry bout that btw.)

SO ILL BE POSTING THIS WHEN THE SEQUEL IS UP! For now it will stay as a draft because I wanted to jot my thoughts down before I forgot lel. 


- your beloved author, Okomi (5/17/2021)

ITS UP!!! AYYYY!!! YOU CAN FIND IT ON MY PAGE!!! FINALLY AMIRIGHT???? I cannot wait to see all of you again, provided you didnt forget about me- 


-Okomi :p  (6/13/2021)

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