"i've got a broom!" ginny pointed out.

"yeah but you're not coming," the other two with brooms said in unison, but the red-head seemed more angry.

"excuse me, but i care what happens to sirius as much as you do!" ginny spoke.

"you're too-"

"i'm three years older than you were when you fought you-know-who over the sorcerer's stone, and it's because of me malfoy's stuck back in umbridge's office with giant flying bogeys attacking him-"

"yeah, but-"

"we were all in the d.a. together. it was all supposed to be about fighting you-know-who, wasn't it? and this is the first chance we've had to do something real—or was that all just a game or something?" neville asked quietly.

"no—of course it wasn't," harry was starting to get impatient.

"then we should come too. we want to help."

"that's right," luna smiled.

"well, it doesn't matter anyway because we still don't know how to get there-"

"i thought we'd settled that? we're flying!"

"look, you might be able to fly without a broomstick but the rest of us can't sprout wings whenever we-"

"there are other ways of flying than with broomsticks."

"i s'pose we're going to ride on the back of the kacky snorgle or whatever it is?"

harry randomly turned around and started patting the air.

"is it those mad horse things? those ones you can't see unless you've watched someone snuff it?"

"lovely way to say it, ronald," maddy snorted in amusement.

"yeah," harry chuckled.

"how many?"

"just two."

"well, we need 3," hermione said, still a bit shaken.

"four, hermione," ginny scowled.

"i think there are eight of us, actually," luna calmly counted.

"don't be stupid, we can't all go! look, you three," harry paused, pointing at neville, ginny and luna, "you're not involved in this, you're not-"

they all began to argue again.

"enough!" phoebe stopped them, rubbing her shoulder. "it's their choice, harry."

"fine," the raven-haired boy gave in. "but unless we can find more threstrals, you're not going to be able to-"

"oh, more will come," ginny said rather confidently.

"what makes you think that?"

"you two are covered in blood," phoebe answered instead, nodding over to harry and hermione. "hagrid lures threstals with raw meat, so that's probably why those came here in the first place," she looked in the direction where she assumed the creatures were.

soon enough, everyone was on their own threstal(except for the taylor twins, because ron nor hermione would agree to let either of them out of their sight).

"we're going to die," maddy mumbled as she held onto the creature's mane, strengthening her grip which made hermione giggle for a second.

a while later, they had landed, some more gracefully than others.

following harry's orders, they all ran into a telephone booth, arriving at the ministry after ron dialed the numbers harry told him too.

they had to go through a long process as visitors, which annoyed basically all of them, except for maybe luna.

could she even get annoyed?

finally being able to get out of the box, the eight sprinted to the entrance of the department of mysteries, where harry quickly stopped them.

the boy tried getting some of the group to stay behind, but was instantly met with protests.

from the dark circular room, they decided on just trying a whole bunch of doors until harry recognized what was on the other side, which could take a long time due to the size of the section they were in.

after trying to unlock a door, the wall started to spin again. as soon as it came to a stop, harry pushed a random door open.

"this it it!"

they all followed him, and to no one's surprise, another door was found a few moments later. it swung open, revealing a room full of nothing but small, dusty, glass orbs.

"phoebe," maddy whispered, collecting two of the spheres from the shelves while everyone else was distracted with harry's.

"what?" the younger twin raised an eyebrow, grabbing the orb from her sister's hand. "what is it?"

"i don't know, but it's got our names on it, as well as," maddy paused, tracing her finger over the words.


"very good, potter. now, turn around, nice and slowly, and give that to me."

the brunette twins accidentally dropped their spheres as black figures approached them.

"bloody hell."

word count- 1256
date written- november 2, 2020

about five or so more chapters until this movie ends-

actually, i'm not sure, depends on how much of the book i skip



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