Chapter Six

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The picture above is what Lincoln looks like from now on. It doesn't belong to me and belongs to it's original creator.

Now...back to the story.

After watching her son consume the potion to turn him into a ghost, La Llorona couldn't help herself from feeling joy. Joy for never being separated from her child again like she did a long time ago. But along with that...she still felt like starting her revenge on that despicable family who made her son suffer unjustly and unfairly. 

"Ugh. That was gross." Lincoln said snapping her out of her thoughts.

I know that it doesn't taste great, but it was the only way to turn you into a ghost as painlessly as possible. Now, it's getting late so let's get you to bed.

"Alright. I guess it is pretty late." Lincoln said as La Llorona escorted him back to his room and tucked him in. As soon as his head hit the pillow, he felt his mother kiss him on the forehead and leave. Then he started to slowly fall asleep unaware that his mother transported herself to the Loud House and slowly walked in.

I guess the Louds went to bed without a care of the world. But after I'm through with them...they will never get to enjoy this luxury again.

La Llorona slowly started to walk upstairs when she noticed the bathroom light on. As she got closer, she noticed that it was the oldest child of the household who was staring at herself in the mirror before turning the facet on. As she bent down to watch her face...La Llorona stood behind her and said:

It's time for you to pay for all of your misdeeds

Causing Lori to jump and turn around only for La Llorona to grab her shoulders and making her scream.

"AAAAAHHHH!" Lori screamed causing her family to awaken in an instant. As they rushed to her aid, La Llorona disappeared and watched as the family tried to make sense of why their sister/daughter screamed.

"Lori? What happened?" Rita asked. Lori wanted to tell them about the mysterious woman that she saw in the mirror. But, she could only be adding to the worries of the others..who are still reeling from the disappearances of Lincoln and Lily.

"I..I saw a big spider." Lori said which caused most of her family to stare at her with disbelief while some hugged each other while shaking.

"You woke up all up because you saw a spider?" Luna asked.

"Yes. It was very big and hairy. But after I disappeared somewhere in the bathroom." Lori said.

"You mean that it's still around here somewhere?" Leni said.

"Yes. And I'm sorry for waking all of you up." Lori said.

"That's okay. Now, come on...we should get some sleep." Lynn Sr. Said as the sisters started to walk back to their rooms and head back to sleep.

"But dad..What about the spider?" Lola asked.

"We'll find it tomorrow sweetheart. Now, it's been a long day and we need to get some rest." Lynn Sr. Said as the rest of the family started to leave. As she watched them leave, Lori couldn't help, but wonder if the woman was apart of her imagination or was really there. Shaking her head...she washed her face and headed back to bed. Never realizing that La Llorona never left the bathroom.

Pathetic. They instantly come for her yet for Lincoln...they do nothing. 

She was bitter that she didn't get a chance to inflict some damage towards the older girl or the others...but La Llorona guessed that this was a good start as any. She wanted to play with them and make them regret what they did before exposing them for the monsters that they truly are.

Soon all that you built will come down and once that son will truly be free from you people.

She uttered as she returned home to check on her two children. This day may have ended in a way that was slightly disappointing for her, but there was plenty of time to cause the Louds lots of pain and misery for what they've done. 

And by the time that they realize what was happening, their lives will already be in pieces.

Author Notes:

How was the chapter?

Any suggestions?

Bye 👋 

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