Chapter Seventeen

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This has some violence.

Bobby Santiago walked into the apartment building with a deep frown on his face. His sister, Ronnie Anne, noticed his expression, but didn't comment on it since he was worried about his girlfriend. That fact irked her since he was busy worrying about her while her best friend was kidnapped and currently missing.

"How was your day, Nie Nie?" Bobby asked. Ronnie Anne ignored him which only caused her brother to sigh since his sister wasn't concerned with his feelings at all. Why couldn't she understand that he was hurting by his girlfriend's devastating circumstances? Disappointed, he walked back towards his room while Ronnie Anne kept watching the television without a care in the world. you're having family problems?

A voice said behind Ronnie Anne which caused her to almost jump in fright. She looked around and couldn't find the source of the voice so she turned her attention back to the TV. A TV that was currently showing a beautiful woman staring at her with an almost unsettling expression on her face.

"What in the...." Ronnie Anne began to say before the woman continued to speak.

Your brother doesn't understand anything, does he? Your friend disappeared yet all he could care about is how his girlfriend was doing...that doesn't seem like something that a good older brother should be doing.

"This is insane, but I can see your point. Bobby is still trapped in between Lori's fingers and thinks that I should care more for her problems." Ronnie Anne said.

Care for one of the people who made your friend miserable? A person who only thinks of herself and her sisters while leaving her brother to suffer?

"I knew that she wasn't right for my brother. She was one of the people who caused this entire thing to happen, but my brother is still so in love with her that...." Ronnie Anne ranted before La Llorona interrupted him.

Your brother seems blind to the world, but you can see reality. Which is why I'm extending an offer to you.

"What kind of offer?" Ronnie Anne asked while La Llorona smiled darkly. Meanwhile Bobby was staring at his phone with a worried expression on his face. He was so focused on his cellphone that he didn't notice a suspicious shadow moving behind him. When it disappeared, the phone started to ring.

"Lori!" Bobby exclaimed as he reached towards the phone with a smile on his face.

Bobby, I missed you!

I missed you too! You had me worried for.....

Are you in your room alone?

Lori? Why did you ask that? 

I'm just curious how long you're going to keep staring at your phone. I mean it's several minutes since you came home and the only thing you're doing is staring at your phone?

B..Babe? You're starting to scare me.

I bet you hardly noticed Valak standing behind you. She has been watching you for a while now.


When Bobby heard that he quickly dropped his phone and turned around to see an empty room. As he started to calm his nerves, he reached towards his dropped cellphone before a hand grabbed his wrist. He tried to get it off of him, but the grip was too strong.

You really should take a look at your surroundings more my precious Bobby Boo Boo Bear. If you did then you could've saved your sister.

A voice mocked him which only served to cause his blood to boil before becoming ice cold. 

"What did you do to her?" Bobby yelled. 

Don't worry about it. Since you're about to meet the same fate as your sister soon.

Bobby quickly grabbed a nearby lamp and smashed it against the hand. Luckily it let go due to the sudden shock which gave Bobby enough room to ran out of his room. When he came to the living room, his sister was gone. Before he could try and find her...a hand grasped his shoulder. He was frozen in shock before something whispered in his ear....

That was a very impolite thing to do. No matter, it's time for us to play.

Before Bobby could say anything, he was pulled back towards his room where screams and bones breaking could be heard. While his sister was brought back to La Llorona's place eager to reunite with her friend. 

Hope you enjoyed the chapter...Bye 👋

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