Friday Night Bites - 1

Start from the beginning

His eyes are the Same red that Damon's where and his veins are popped.

The burning sensation on my wrist is what makes me hiss and turn back to Zach, who is now wrapping my arm in bandages.

"What are they?" I ask, I whisper not wanting Stefan to hear. Not like he can from where he's standing but he hears nonetheless.

Zach doesn't respond right away. Instead he picks up the blood soaked Cotton and throws them away in a trash can, placing books on top of it to block the sent.

"What is going on!" I demand, looking at Zach. He looks at my shirt which is stained with my blood.

"Stefan" He calls out, stefan goes and come back with a shirt. Zach grabs it and picks me up, leading me down the hallway into a bathroom.

"Zach what are they?" I ask again. He sighs and looks me in the eye. "I will explain everything. Right now just change, please" I do what he says.

He steps out and leaves me to change into the shirt Stefan got me. It's his. That much I can tell, it's to big on me.

When I step back into the living room, Stefan has calmed down. His eyes are back to his regular color and he looks composed.

Zach motions for me to sit and I do, staring at Stefan in the process. I cross my arms and lean back in the couch.

"Someone care to explain?" Stefan takes the seat next to me and I flinch. "Damon and I are vampires" I scoff.

"Yeah, That much I can tell" I say and lift my wrist up to prove my point. He asked questions early tonight and now it's my turn.

"How are you vampires?" He sighs

"We were killed with vampire blood in our system. We might look like we're 17 and 25 but we're much older"

"How older?"

"More then a 100 years old" I draw my breath. Wow. He was old. But he looked so young. 

"What was Damon trying to do to me? To Vicki?" I ask, his name in my mouth sounds weird so I drew his name out quickly.

"He was trying to compel you. He did it to Vicky. Think of it as hypnotic powers"

"But they didn't work on me" I turn to look at Zach before back at Stefan. "Why?" He shrugs and leans back, crossing his arms.

"Best guess you have vervain in your system"

"Vervain?" I ask, furrowing my brows in confusion. "What is that?"

"It's an herb, usually in tea. The locals put that in the peoples stuff sometimes" "I don't even like tea. I haven't had tea all day" This time he frowns.

He breaks my gaze and looks down at my locket. My hand instinctively reaches for it. Tracing the pattern.

"What?" Stefan angels his chin to my locket and looks at Zach. "You put vervain in there. Didn't you? Clever" I look at Zach in confusion.

"What's he talking about?" I ask. Zach sighs and crosses his arm, leaning forward on his toes.

"Remember when you came to me? Asking to fix the locket?" I nod recalling the memory. It was a couple of weeks after my mom died.

She was wearing the locket the night she died. It broke. The chain snapped and I had asked Kelly to take me to Zach's so he could fix it.

When she didn't take me, I walked all the way to the boarding house. Asked Zach to fix it and he did. I've had it ever since

"Well when I fixed it. I put vervain in there. Behind the photo of your mother. To protect you" He adds on.

"Protect me from what?" When he looks away, unable to hold my gaze, something clicks inside.

No...your not not serious.

"Are you..trying to say that a..vampire? Killed my mom?" I ask, tears threatening to come lose if he says yes.

His silence is the answer, "But the..the cops. They said it was an animal attack" I said, my voice thick with tears. Zach shook his head.

"You not remembering. That was the biggest clue. The vampire made you forget"

"Why didn't it just kill me?" I turn to Stefan. "Your a vampire. Can't you make me remember?" He shakes his head.

"It doesn't work that way" I stand up and rake a hand through my hair, processing everything I just learned. I turn to Zach.

"I need to go home" He nods and before he can lead me outside, Stefan picked me up and in a flash, sets me down in front of my house.

I stumble and raise a hand to my mouth to stop the bile. "You okay?" Stefan asked. I nod.

"Yeah. I'm fine" I said, even I didn't believe that.  Stefan sighed and put his hands in his back pocket.

"Listen. I need to know if you'll keep this a secret. About me and Damon" I scrunch my nose.

"I will. Listen Stefan. You seem like a nice, vampire" 

I can not believe I just said that.

"but tell Damon to stay away from Vicky. And stay away from my friends"

He nods and seeing that this is where the conversation ends, leaves. I groan once I'm alone and go inside the house.

It's dark and no one is here. I want to call Matt and ask him about Vicky but the sleep is killing me so instead I go to my room. I throw Stefan's shirt off and toss it in a corner. I'll return it when I see him.

I change into Pajamas and the second my head lands on the pillow I'm out cold.

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