🌸✨(nene x amane) boo!

Start from the beginning

"Okay so the groups will be Akane and Natsuhiko, Yashiro and Me, Mitsuba and Kou, Tsukasa and Sakura while Amane will go with who ever screams the most." Aoi said with a smile as everyone stood in the groups.
"Why does Amane have to go last?" Tsukasa said frowning.
"Because he's the one most likely to be less scared." Aoi said.
"Wouldn't Sakura be the obvious candidate for that?" Natsuhiko stated.
"Fine, we'll do rock paper scissors." Aoi said rolling her eyes.

Amane and Sakura stood face to face.




Amane's hand showed paper while Sakura's showed scissors.
"Best 2 out of 3." Aoi states.




This time Amane had his hand fisted, rock, while Sakura was still showing scissors.




Sakura stood with her hand showing paper and Amane stood with scissors.
"Amane's the winner!!" Aoi said glee radiating from her face.
Claps were heard from the group of friends.

"Okay group one, Akane and Natsuhiko, please enter the house." Sakura said as she went back with Tsukasa.
As the two entered, Mistuba started the conversation again.
"Okay, who do you guys think will scream the most?"
"Natsuhiko." They all stated.
"I CAN STILL HEAR YOU!" Natsuhiko yelled from inside the house.

After everyone had went in, they went over who screamed the most.
Aoi: Twice.
Akane: Three times.
Natsuhiko: Six times.
Tsukasa: Once, mostly just made fun of the jump scares.
Sakura: Zero times.
Mistuba: Six times.
Kou: Four times.
Yashiro: Eight times.

"So Yashiro and I will be going in together?" Amane said, slight blush on his cheeks.
"Yup! That was the deal." Kou said.
"B-But I don't want to go back in there again..." Yashiro said, with little to no tears rolling down her cheeks.
"Yashiro, it's your fault for screaming the most." Mitsuba said, smirk shown.
"Plus, I'll protect you!" Amane said, putting a hand on Yashiro's shoulder to which she jumped at.
Silence was shown across the group.

"I'd rather go with Mitsuba then him." Yashiro said causing slight giggles to erupt fron the group.
"The haunted house will close in 10 minutes!" An employee yelled.
"C'mon, Yashiro! I want to see what it's like!!" Amane said grabbing Yashiro's hand rushing into the house.

Once they entered the house, they let go of hands and Yashiro started talking.
"I don't want y-you to protect me.." Yashiro said as she tried her hardest to show she wasn't scared although some tears were still going to her cheeks.
"Are you sure?" Amane stoped walking and turned around to look at Yashiro in the eyes.
"Yes.." Yashiro said trying to hold a smile.
Amane stared into her eyes before agreeing.

The two walked farther into the haunted house, Yashiro trying her hardest not to make noise.
But then there was the worst jumpscare. This one wasn't there the first time Yashiro went through. You might be asking what jumpscare i'm talking about? Well, if you were paying attention to before, an employee had said that the haunted house was going to close in ten minutes. And guess what! That's what happened. Now Yashiro and Amane were stuck in the haunted house; lights out, no heat, no escaping.

"A-Amane, what are we going to do?" Yashiro said as she looked around for a place to escape.
"I don't know, Yashiro." Amane said as he was trying to find a heat source.
It was silent in the hallway until slight sobs could be heard.
"Yashiro?" Amane said looking in the direction of where Yashiro was.
"Y-Yea..?" Yashiro said, standing up and walking towards Amane. But along the way, a jumpscare was triggered and Yashiro ran towards Amane.
Wrapping his arms around Yashiro's petite body, Amane whispered sweet nothings.
"I-I want to g-go.." Yashiro said in between hiccups.
"I know..But the only other way out would be to go fully through the house." Amane said, rubbing her back.
"And if this time you want me to protect you, I will."
"P-Please.." Yashiro said as her sobs died down.

"Okay, grab my hand and we'll do this together." Amane said with a slight smile on his face. Yashiro's hope went up when she saw his smile. Grabbing his hand, Yashiro nodded.

As the two walked through the haunted house, the next jumpscare striked.
"Eek!" Yashiro screeched as she clung to Amane.
Amane slightly laughed and patted Yashiro's head.
"H-Hey, that wasn't funny!" Yashiro said, cheeks puffed and eyebrows narrowed.
"Sorry, sorry," Amane said, "I shouldn't have laughed. You already hate me enough."
Yashiro stood shocked, does she really make him think she hates him?
"I-I don't hate you.." Yashiro mumbled as they started walking.

After a couple of minutes, jumpscare here and there, they finally made it to the end of the house.
"Yay!!" Yashiro gleemed as she saw the starry sky.
"Hey, Yashiro.." Amane started, letting go of Yashiro's hand.
"Yes?" Yashiro said looking at Amane, but his eyes were directed towards the ground.
"Did you really mean it when you said you'd rather go with Mitsuba instead of me?" Amane said.
"N-No! I said it as a joke.." Yashiro said with a nervous giggle.
"Then why weren't you laughing?" Amane said, now looking her in eyes, his eyes being blurry with tears.
"W-What do you mean..?" Yashiro said as her chances of love went down.
"If it was a joke, then why didn't you laugh when everyone else did." Amane said as the tears that were pricking his eyes finally flowed.

Yashiro didn't respond, all she did was look down, tears rolling.
"I guess you really do hate me. Sorry for bringing it up, let's go back to the group." Amane said, wiping his tears with a fake chuckle.
All Yashiro did was stay silent and follow behind Amane.

"Oh my goodness, dear, I'm glad that you guys are okay!" Yashiro's mom said as the group arrived back at the house.
"Y-Yeah it was nothing.." Yashiro said as she walked up the stairs and into her room, making sure she locked the door.
"Amane." Aoi said, eyebrow twitching, as she gave Amane a death glare.
"Yes?" Amane said, looking at Aoi.
"What did you do to Yashiro." Aoi said.
"..I honestly don't know, let me go check on her." Amane said, worried for what he did to hurt her.

As he walked up the stairs, he heard faint sobs coming from Yashiro's room.
"Yashiro?" Amane said knocking on the door, "Can i come in?"
Without saying a word, Yashiro unlocked the door.
Taking that as a sign to be let into her room, he walked through the doorframe, taking off the sheet from his costume to reveal a hoodie and pants.

"Please tell me what I did wrong.." Amane said, sitting down next to her on the bed.
"You did nothing wrong, I-I..It's my fault." Yashiro said, back facing Amane.
"What do you mean?" Amane said.
"I..It pained me when you said that I hated you. It made me realize that I don't think of you just as a friend. And even worse, it made me realize that i'm a bad friend. I know you won't return what I feel, but I just want for you to know that I don't hate you. I..I love you, Amane." Yashiro said choking back her sobs as she turned around to say the she loved him.

The room went silent, it felt like ages although it had only been a couple seconds.
"That made me feel better." Amane said wrapping his arms around Yashiro like he did in the haunted house.
"What do you m-mean?" Yashiro said as she slowly put her hands on his back, returning the hug.
"It made me feel better that my love for you was returned." Amane laughed.
"W-Wait, really??"
"Yes, really." Amane said as he let Yashiro out of the hug and looked her in the eyes.
Yashiro felt tears falling down her cheeks for the fourth time today.
Yashiro smiled right as she let her lips fall onto Amane's.

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