Flustered Teens

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Mari and Adrien enter the classroom together, panting and catching their breaths.

"Sorry Miss we are late"

"Can I know the reason please?" Miss Bustier asks them.

"As they are dating-" Alya decided to inject herself into the conversation.

"We are?" The oblivious teens said in union.

"-they were probably making out in some corner of the school." Alya winked at Mari and sat back in her seat.

Marinette and Adrien blushed at the thought of them making out.

While the real reason they were late was that they were doing a very serious job. They were fighting an akuma which was purrity [pretty] strong and thus occupied half of the first class.

"What!" Chloe and Lila yelled.

"Oh is it so, then there is no problem I ship you guys but remember not to do it in school hours!"

"But this is unacceptable miss!"Lila stated clearly annoyed.

"Yes you can't do that!" Chloe added.

"Ohh of course I can and I just did. Now Adrien and Marinette please take your respective seats and be on time tomorrow."

"Y-yes Miss" The flustered teens shuttered while sitting.

"Ridiculous! Utterly Ridiculous!" Chloe shouted while throwing her hands up in the air.


Hey guys!

Did anyone of you notice this:  Adrien was holding only Marinette's hand in this episode, though he was shown sharing an ice cream Kagami later....

Did anyone of you notice this:  Adrien was holding only Marinette's hand in this episode, though he was shown sharing an ice cream Kagami later

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