Kicked Out

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Adrien was at home thinking about his conversation with Marinette earlier in school. He wondered why she always shuttered around him and was shy. Lot's of questions came to his mind.

Does she hate me ?  Did she hold a grudge about the gum incident ?

He was beyond confused. Mari would be confident around him as CatNoir but not with Adrien, why???

He didn't want her to be uncomfortable with Adrien and wanted to know her better. Otherwise things would probably be awkward at her place the next day.

Adrien, Alya and Nino were going to Mari's place after school on account of friendship's day.

He decided to visit his Purrincess and confront to her about his unanswered questions.

Adrien: Plagg I need to transform now so finish eating your cheese quickly.

Plagg: What the hell Adrien, it's 12:30 at night. Where do you want to go this late ????

Adrien: I am on my way to Marinette's house Plagg.

Plagg: Ohh so you want to meet your purrecious purrincess now huh ? * he asked in a teasing tone*

Adrien: Yeah! Now eat fast and just to let you know she's just a friend Plagg. A great and special friend on mine.

Plagg: Whatever you say kid....... * he's soooooo blind*

After 15 minutes he transforms and heads to Marinette's balcony and knocks at her window. Mari immediately opens her window and gestures Chat to come inside.

Mari was designing a dress just before CatNoir arrived. It was almost over so she told Chat to sit on her bed while she would finish off with her work. She had also given him some croissants to eat.

While she was busy designing Chat was checking her out.

CatNoir's POV -

Wow! how come I never observed her before. She's so beautiful and attractive. Her glossy skin, lustrous lips, her navy blue midnight hair, her perfect figure and her slim legs and of course her see deep bluebell eyes.........

Argghhh !!! I really want to have a taste of the syrup on her lips and dominate her comple- Heyy Agrest what do you think you are doing ?  *he was shouting at himself*

You love ladybug not Marinette. She's your FRIEND. Even though Ladybug doesn't love me back, you still love her understand !!! But that still didn't help much. He was still daydreaming about her kind and caring nature until Mari woke him up from his thoughts........Ohh her soothing voice.......

Mari: CATNOIR !?!?!? Get back to earth this instinct !!!

CN: Sorry Purrincess, I kinda spaced out....hehe !

Mari: What were you thinking about huh? * she said with a smirk on her face*

CN: *blushed* I was thinking about ummm Ladybug..... yaa ladybug. She's so cool isn't she ?

Mari: Yes she is. By the way why are you here kitty ?

CN: I was unable to sleep and was wandering if you were awake. So you were so I decided to visit you. Anyways,  is there something special tomorrow ?

Mari: Yes kitty don't you know that tomorrow is friendships day!!!

CN: Well I had no idea about that.....So are you and your friends doing anything special tomorrow?

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