My Purrincess

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Marinette was in her room, relaxing on bed while watching a movie on Netflix. She was interrupted by a knock at her window. She paused the movie and turned her eyes toward the window, to see emerald green eyes looking into her bluebell eyes.

She got up from the bed and opened the window to let her flirty kitty in.

"Heyy Chat! What are you doing at my place?" She asked with curiosity.

"Hello Purrincess! I just came to check on you, it's been a long time since I have seen you as CatNoir of course" He exclaimed.

"Wait a minute, I know your civilian form?" Mari asked

"I am closer than you think Purrincess!"

"OK?" She was confused.

"Anyways, do you know LB in  her civilian form?" he asked.

"Umm yes?" she answered.

" So she must be telling you everything if she has trusted you with her identity"

" Yeah she tells me everything but why are you asking?" she inquired.

"It's just that I-I think that Ladybug ha-hates me! *tears were clearly visible in his eyes and were threatening to fall* I am not sure though" he answered honestly.

"Huh! What makes you think like that?" Marinette became sad seeing CatNoir like this.

"I-I always flirt with her, compliment her and make puns.  She always turns me down as if she doesn't care about me and I am nothing to her. I know that they can be annoying sometimes but still it hurts. I swear its not a joke I truly love her *he let out a disappointed sigh* But I-I know that she doesn't feel the same towards me..." he explained with sadness in his voice.

"I-It's not true! Everything you said isn't true at all. I do care for you. I will never h-hate you! You have a special place for me in the heart. I know you flirt a lot but you always sacrifice yourself for me. I don't hate you at all Chat............" She said without even realizing that she was Marinette right   now.

"M-marinette you ... you are ...Ladybug right?" He asked clearly shocked by what she said.

Her eyes went wide hearing that and realized her mistake. " I um yaa I am LB.......Sorry you must be disappointed it was me. I am just a simple stupid girl who keeps on tripping and shuttering around her crush.... why did you fall for me anyways?" she said not meeting his eyes.

"Hey don't say such things about my purrincess! She is very beautiful and kind. She is also my lady. In her civilian form she's sweet and shy that's all. Don't you dare say those things about her. I love her all weather its LB or its Marinette, everything about her makes me love her." He said while looking into her eyes.

"R-really?" She asked not believing anything he said.

"Of- course! Also the boy whom you like, is it Adrien Agrest by any chance? " He asked.

"How did you know that??" She asked surprised.

"You have his face plastered all over your walls" he said pointing towards the photos.

"Don't you dare tell him" she said in a commanding voice.

"But you have told him bugaboo! " he said with an innocent face.

"How exactly?" she asked confused.

"Claws in"

"A-adrien!? Oh nooooooooo!" *she burried her face in her arms*

"What happened Milady! Surprised?"

"Yes I am.  Also I am so sorry for rejecting you Adrien...."

"No problem Mari! Are you happy?"

"Very! I don't have to choose between you two. You both were the people with I adore the most obviously after my parents and Alya"

"Heyy I come after Alya" he acts to be hurt.

"Yeah she is my best friend! "

"And I am your boyfriend! "

" I guess so " she answered while blushing.

"You are cute when you are blushing Purrincess!"

"Thanks Kitty" she was still blushing.

"I think its time for me to leave cause its quite late now and you can't miss your beauty sleep"

He kissed her cheek, did goodbye and left.


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