My teacher? Nah, he's my husband.

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2 years later...

Mark is no longer a blonde but a brunette.

Well, going over two years together is not an easy thing but they make it easy every time. Some little fights would come and go to make the journey more challenging but they are more than prepared to solve it with rationality. 

But, they have been more than happy to be with the one they love and never once did they ever doubt this marriage.

Jackson is now a physics teacher and also a fencing coach ever since they have a fencing club last year and obviously, they were flooded with registration forms the moment the announcement got out.

Mark is now studying at Hanyang University with Youngjae and Jaebum. He is studying interior architecture design meanwhile Youngjae and Jaebum are in different departments. They each took music and business respectively. 

For Bambam and Yugyeom, they were offered a scholarship at the best University in Korea which is Seoul National University and of course, they accepted it immediately. Yugyeom is now studying in the college of veterinary medicine and Bambam in the college of engineering as the "best student" title holder and he's also in the dance club and is aiming to go higher with that.

Initially, it worried Jackson so much. Even though the three got into the same University, their departments are far apart from each other. He was anxious if the blonde would become the lonely and quiet boy again. 

But, all his worries fade away when he saw how the younger is socializing well with his coursemate. He even got some new friends and would always tell Jackson about them. Some of them live in the dormitory and some live nearby so they would hang out from time to time.

But, for the whole 2 years of studying there, no one knows about his status. Not a single soul. Jackson understands and respects his decision and never minds about it as long as his baby doesn't let someone else get too close to him.

About his study, no more need to be said. He excels in every subject he took. Well, he's doing what he loves so that's normal.

Whenever Mark only got morning and afternoon classes, he would send and fetch Jackson from school. That way, they could spend more time together.

It's been two years but they are still as clingy with each other as ever.

But after all this time, the one thing that has never changed is that Jackson will always make food for his love <3

As usual, they are currently on their grocery date at the hypermarket that they used to go to after Mark fetches Jackson at school.

They walk along the vegetable aisle looking for some carrots and mushrooms when Jackson's phone suddenly rings. It was Woohyun, his colleague. He looks over to Mark and quickly said, "Babe Imma take this call for a while, you can go look for them first but don't go too far aight." before answering the phone.

Mark chuckles at his reminder, "Don't go too far".

"I'm not a child geez." He answered inwardly and went to look for the carrots.

He walks around and saw that orange object he's looking for. He went to choose some. 

After a minute, someone suddenly taps his shoulder. He looks to his side and sees a rather familiar woman.

"Yes?" He asked with a polite smile, thinking that maybe the woman needs a hand with something.

"I am sorry if this is weird of me but may I ask, do you used to have red hair?" And he is weirded out by that.

"I did but how did you know? Do I possibly know you?" The woman smiled at the answer.

"Ahh no, no you don't but I do remember you. I remember that I've seen you here in your school uniform before with that man over there and I couldn't forget how cute you look together. It was funny how you two were bickering with each other."

Upon listening to that, he gets what she's talking about and it is true that they did look stupid at that time, bickering over vegetables. He laughs softly upon remembering that moment.

"I guess we did leave a weird impression here."

"Hahahahahaha no you don't. In fact, it's beautiful because it is very rare to see a student and a teacher with such a close relationship." 

"My teacher?" Mark looks over to the man who's a few steps away from them and smiles softly.

He looks at that woman again with a wide smile and proudly said,

"Nah, he's my husband."

My teacher? Nah he's my husbandWhere stories live. Discover now