Bonus (Part 2)

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The next day, as you can guess, Mark woke up in a confused state.

The last thing he remembers was doing some works at Taecyeon's house. But right now, how come he's in their room? He looks around the room and found no trace of his husband. 



He pushes the blanket away and gets off the bed. He stretches a little before walking out of the room. He looks for Jackson around the house. When he couldn't find him, he stops in his track and decided to just go back to the room and take a shower.

But right when he turned around, he was shocked to see the elder standing behind him with hands in his pocket and eyes boring a hole in his head.

"You're here. Why didn't you say anything you scared me."

Without saying anything, the elder suddenly cornered him to the wall. Eyes not away from him."Wh-what?" He asks timidly.

"I, scared you? You deserve it because you made me lose my shit. Now tell me did that bastard do anything to you last night? How come you fell asleep at his house?"

With his hand beside the younger's head, he gazes right into his soul.

Upon receiving those questions, it made Mark think about what happened. He's also wondering about it too.

"I'm not sure. All I remember was, my head was hurting out of nowhere and I think I fainted...? Or fell asleep...? right after." Jackson sighs at that. He moves away and stands up straight while looking at Mark with worried eyes.

"Mark, he surely drugged you. Do you realize that?" Mark looked at him with a slight doubt. Taecyeon won't possibly do that to him...right?

"I don't think it's like that...Maybe I was just too stressed about my work." 

"Mark you were out cold like you're dead. That's impossible. I'm sure you don't even remember what I did to you." Mark's eyes went wide at that.

"What- what did you do?" He asks before starting to check his own body.

"See, you were totally unconscious." He sighs before continuing, "I didn't do anything to you but if I was a minute late last night, you won't be back here in one piece. So stay away from that fucker from now on."

Mark looks a little relieved after hearing that but his expression is still not good.

"I'm sorry for making you worried again, but I'm sure... Hyung didn't mean anything that bad(?) and I can't possibly do that now when I still have our pro-" His pleading was cut off.

"No means no. Stay away from him on your own or I'll make you. Your call babe." At that, he sighs.

"Okay I'll do that, but what about my project now?" He asks, worries plastered on his face.

"Don't worry, later today you'll get a new partner so just keep on with your work and you don't need to think about anything else, especially about that fucktard."

Mark just nods at the information. But he is still thinking about what Taecyeon did. He just can't understand why. He doesn't remember meeting him before so it's impossible that he did something bad to Taecyeon.

"Go take a shower, I'll wait for you and we'll go have breakfast together before I send you."

"Okay." He said shortly before making his way there. 

Few minutes after that, a call came in. Upon looking at the caller's id, Jackson picks it up right away.

"Yes Hyung."

"I've emailed you what you asked for but remember, it's only between you and me. Don't spread anything or I'll break your neck."

"Okay Hyung thank you, I'll treat you to a meal next time."

"You better remember that brat. I'll go back to my work bye bye."


He immediately checks his email and was very satisfied to see what he wanted.


"I need you to do some checking over a guy named Ok Taecyeon."

The guy over the line was taken aback at his little brother's request. It's very seldom for him to ask for this kind of thing.

"Out of nowhere? I can, but why is that? I won't do this for no reason."

"He's messing with my wife."

He hears the other person chuckling on the other side. "Hmmm, so the sleeping dragon has been woken up because someone is playing with his property. Sure, I'll send you the information tomorrow."

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