Little thing

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First of all, I am never good at writing this kind of thing so please forgive me if it is sucks. Well, it is.


As promised, the next day they went to Petite France for a little game that the teachers have arranged for them. Strangely, the place is empty except for them that is the only human being there. Ms Nara gathered all of them to brief them about the game. 

"First of all, this place is rented by our principal just to let you guys have fun together since this is your last year, So, the game that we are going to play today is...hide and seek-" before she finishes her sentence, the students start complaining about how childish it is.

"Can you guys just chill and listen first? Show some respect to your teacher." Said a voice owned by none other than their physics teacher and of course all the female students stop whining and did not forget to throw him some flirty glances. But a certain redhead just can't shift his gaze as it stuck on the man who spoke a while ago. 

Jackson felt the gaze on him and scanned through the crowd and found a familiar pair of eyes bearing a hole in his head. A smirk plastered on his face as he sends a wink towards the boy and causes him to choke on air. That work well as the redhead finally shifts his attention to the teacher who's briefing them.

"-so the losing team will cook dinner for all of us and the winning team get to choose the menu, now how is that?" The kids let out a cheer while Mark that has been a clueless turn to Youngjae and gives him a questionable look. "There will be two teams, our bus is Team A and the other bus is Team B. Like she said, we will be playing hide and seek, only that the range is wider that we will be using this whole place. All of the teachers are included except Ms Nara cause she is the judge. The game is an hour long and if the seeker can't find more than half the members of the hider team in the given time, the hider will be the winner. So the loser will cook our dinner. Now they are deciding which team is the seeker and the hider."

It is decided that flipping coin will determine their role. Mr. Min from team A chooses tail while Ms So Yeon from Team B chooses head. The one facing upward is the hider. The coin flipped and the hider is Team A.

The game starts with the seeker team counting until 50 while the hider is busy hiding at almost unthinkable spaces they could find. And so is Mark and Youngjae who's ducking down until they found a cabinet in one of the houses. Youngjae takes the upper space and Mark take the lower one. They were fine until 10 minutes later the seeker starts to roam around the place.

They could hear footsteps approaching but soon it fades away. They let out a relieved sigh thinking that they are safe until suddenly the upper door was opened by someone from the seeker and she drags Youngjae along with her.

"Ahhh can't you let me go this once pleaseeee"

"Sorry but I don't think I want to spend my time here cooking."

"You're so mean!"

Mark could hear Youngjae begging the girl but nonetheless, she merciless dragging him to prison for those who lose. After he thinks it is safe enough, Mark opens the door ajar and peeks outside. He could see about three seekers are still there wandering around the place. He knows it is not safe if he stays any longer. Without any sound, he creeps out from his current hiding place and saw a small window behind him.

Looking around making sure no one notices him, he climbs up the window and jump out with minimal sound. It's quite high but thanks to his martial art skills it is easy for him to land smoothly without any broken bones.

He sneaks beside the wall and quietly peeps around the area he is now and to no luck, he can't move anywhere else cause the risk of getting caught is too high and he's sure cooking is never in his interest. Looking around him trying to find another way, he sees a window of the house beside the one he is standing on now. Not having another choice, he decided to climb his way into the house.

Unfortunately, his foot trip at the window frame, giving him not a really soft landing and the sound he made caught one of the seekers' attention who has been roaming around in front of the house. 

Nervously he looks around trying to find a place to hide as he could hear footsteps approaching the house. While he's busy pacing around suddenly a hand caught him from behind, causing his back to bump against something hard yet soft and the hand covering his mouth to prevent him from yelling. "Stay put" Husky voice whispered beside his ear, sending a chill down his spine.

He stayed still as he could hear the door being opened and someone is checking the place. After a while, the place is back to safe and sound. He tried to struggle out of the stranger's arms but to no avail, the stranger's arms are as hard as steel. Mark is sure whoever this person is, he must have done a lot of workouts as he could feel how that person put no effort to stop him from moving.

As his last resort, he bites the person's hand that has been covering his mouth. "Ouch what was that for!" That person let him go and rub his poor hand. 'Wait...I know that voice.' Mark thought. He turned around facing the person and as he thought, it's Jackson. "Sorry I don't know it's you, I thought you're some old pervert trying to get a piece of me." Jackson gives him an 'unbelievable' look. "You really need to learn how to recognize your teacher." 

Before Mark could give any response suddenly the door was barged opened again and as a reflex Jackson pull Mark against him and wrap his muscular arms around the other's petite figure. "Shit he's nearing." Cursed Jackson.

"Just stay put and we won't get caught." He then pulls Mark closer against him, making sure they are well hidden behind the old cupboard. Sure Mark can stay put but his heart just won't obey. It keeps beating loudly to the point he's sure everyone can hear it. He is freaking sure it is not a good sign. 

"Sir-" Jackson cut him off by placing his index finger on the other's lips. "Shhh, he's going out soon." Mark can't bear the fact of how clueless this man is. He could feel how the hold on his waist is tightened as they could hear the footstep is approaching their hiding place.

His eyes start to wander around. From the other's eyes to his lips that forming a thin line, going down to his broad shoulder then his well-built chest and down to his strong arm. Along with his eyes, his mind wandering around as well. 'I'm sure with this built, he would handle his partner well in bed. Damn, I want to feel that. I want to feel his hand around my dick, his lips kissing-' Finally he realized what he's thinking about. 

"SHIT!" He pushed Jackson but causing himself to stumble and fall hard on his ass.

Never mind now that they were caught and is being dragged away, he still can't get over the fact that he imagined doing all of those with his...teacher. And a man on top of that. 

'Someone please kill me now please please please why am I so stupid he's my teacher for fuck sake. Shit now I'm lowkey turning gay for my own teacher from a straight huh what a piece of good news to me.' Too busy with his thought he doesn't realize how's the person in his mind is boring a hole in his head.

My teacher? Nah he's my husbandDonde viven las historias. Descúbrelo ahora