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It was seconds before George had awoken again. His eyes snapped open, but everything was groggy and blurred. A sharp pain streaked through the sides of his head, and George winced. He lifted a hand and gingerly touched his temple. Something warm and red dribbled down into George's eyes. Blood? George winced again, struggling to stand up.

"Next time watch where you're going."

George blinked, clearing his gaze as he looked up.

"W-what?" George stuttered.

"Are you deaf? Deaf boy?"

George kept blinking as the blurry shapes came into view. A tall boy in black was standing over him, scowling.

"I-I'm sorry what? I didn't- I don't- I didn't run into you or anything," George tried to say. His voice trembled. Another droplet of red sank into his eye. Everything hurt. George held back tears.

"You were blocking my way," the tall boy snarled, fists clenched.

"Well I'm- I'm sorry," George mumbled, picking himself back up. He smoothed out his t-shirt and tried to brush past the boy in black. The tall boy stepped into his way.

"Please- please just let me go!" George tried reasoning. "I- I'm already late for my classes and it's only my second day-

"You go when I let you go." The tall boy said.

George's eyes twitched. He started to shake, anxious and terrified. Tears threatened to spill out and he lifted his hands to shield his face. There was no way he was going to class now.

"Go away and leave him alone."

George turned a shaky head to face the new voice. His eyes were blurry, so he could barely make out the vague shape of a very tall boy with downy dirty-blonde hair. The boy in black frowned, fists balled. But he stepped back a few steps.

"Not happening, pretty-face," the boy in black snarled.

The tall boy took a small step forward and struck the boy in black, straight in the face. The boy in black cupped his now bleeding face, hunching over.

"Go away," the tall boy spat at the boy in black.

"I didn't know you were gay, pretty-face," the boy in black hissed. "Did all those girls finally bore you?" The boy in black took one final look before turning and scrambling away. He said the word gay as if it were the worst imaginable thing in the world. This hurt George very much, although he did not know why.

The blonde boy merely shrugged the statement off, then looked over to George, expression softening. George's eyes widened, and he slowly backed away.

"I-I'll leave now," George stammered. He took another few steps back. An overwhelming dizziness overtook George and he begins to fall. Strong hands gripped the back of George, and brought him back up.

"You're in no state to go to class." Gentle words from the tall, menacing boy. His voice sounded like a melody to his ears. Soft and smooth. All George could muster was a small nod.

"You're coming with me."

Those were the last words George heard before he sank back into the void.

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