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George woke up early the next morning. School awaited, and he was not excited. George slowly climbed out of bed, and placed his feet tentatively on the ground. He couldn't afford to wake his mother.

Mother needed her rest.

George quietly made his way to the shared bathroom. He pushed open the creaky door, and tried to avoid looking in the mirror. But his efforts were quickly crushed as George took a small glance upwards. He hated what he saw.

His dark hair was pushed sloppily to the side. Dark eyes were framed with long lashes. George knew he had pretty eyes. But those seemingly pretty eyes were dull, tired, and brought down with the ugly bags under them. His once rosy cheeks were pale and his lips were cracked.

George sighed. He knew there was nothing he could really do about it. He brushed his teeth and doused his face in cold water. George took another look at himself and hastily applied some balm on his dry lips. He huffed out another sigh and returned to his room.

He gently opened his small closet and just stared to the colourful arrangement of soft fabrics. This happened often. With no real purpose in life, George didn't know what to wear. He didn't need to be fancy for school anyways. George reaches out a hand and unhooks a grey t-shirt, along with some baggy sweatpants.

As he changed, his eyes flitted to the bottom of his closet. A medium-sized blue velvety box sat there, neatly pushed to fit snug in the corner of the wall. It was that box. George clenched his teeth and closed the closet as quietly as he could.

George tip-toed downstairs, and gave the kitchen a quick glance. Did he have enough time to gulp down a quick snack? No. He wasn't hungry. George throws his deep blue backpack over his shoulder and stalks out the front door, then pushing it shut.


School was only a few minutes away. George could probably get there with still a few minutes to spare. As he walked, he admired the scenery around him. The neighbourhod was very quiet. Birds chirped beautiful songs in the increasingly bright sky. The air was crisp and chilly, and it stung the tips of George's nose. George liked these types of days. His calm was quickly interrupted as he neared the towering building that was his school.

Lowering his head, George walked quickly up the steps into the building. George took a few glances around, then his eyes widened. His mouth parted in the beginnings of a scream as something collided with his head and his vision fell into red.

after you, blue || dreamnotfoundUnde poveștirile trăiesc. Descoperă acum