Once Newt was done setting everything up, I joined him on the quilt. Before we could eat, my husband leaned in to kiss me. I fell into it, smiling into the kiss as I took his hand. It was like an unbreakable bond forced us to stay there, holding each other for dear life.

"I love you, Rosalee," Newt whispered.

"I love you more," I cooed.

He continued to kiss me, giving me a pleasurable sensation. I wanted to make this moment last, but my stomach was set on another prize. Frypan's cooking skills made my mouth water, and I didn't want to let it go to waste.

"Hey, we better eat or else our food will get cold," I reminded him.

Newt had a playful smile on his face as his lips trailed down to the nape of my neck, giving it gentle kisses.


"Hold on, just one more," he said in a playful tone.

No, I thought. I knew what he was doing, and I wasn't going to play along with it. He always won the game.

"No, we need to eat," I said, smiling.

As a response, he giggled and moved up to kissing my jaw.

"I'm not doing this again with you,"

"Well, too bad. Because you're going to, anyway," he teased.

I left my jaw hanging open, then scoffed. Fine. If he wanted to go, then we were going to go. I moved my hand and began tickling him, and he laughed instantly. I took that as my chance to get up and run for the shoreline. Newt pursued, both of us laughing as we splashed water at each other back and forth. I was about to make for the trees when my husband grabbed onto my waist, spun me around and pushed me into the sand. However, I almost lost my breath as I said something that was definitely going to catch him off guard.

"Be careful, I'm pregnant."

Newt's face turned from grinning to shock. While he was momentarily paralized with confusion, I gained the upper hand by rolling him over onto his back, then I pinned his arms down to his sides. I laughed with mockery, and Newt finally gave up. I leaned down to speak in his ear, being proud of it.

"I win," I said and proceeded to kiss his ear and trail down to his neck.

"Okay. You got me there, love," Newt said calmly. "I suppose you saying that you're pregnant was a lie, then?"

I stopped kissing him and looked up to meet his eyes. I didn't answer his question. I let him study my face, which had a soft smile growing wider by the second, waiting for him to figure it out. Once he realized I wasn't lying, I let him sit up to stare at me in shock once again.

"R-Rosalee... Y-You're not pregnant, are you?"

I smiled wider, then cast my eyes to the ground while biting my lip.

"I wasn't really sure at first, either. But those signs of me waking up with morning sickness and weird food cravings made me think otherwise. So, I went to the doctor's to check... and she said I am."

Astonished, Newt widened his eyes and let his jaw drop. It was soon replaced with a huge grin and a delightful laugh escaped him. He covered his mouth with one hand, letting out another laugh as tears began forming in his eyes. I took his hand and kissed it, beginning to have tears in my own eyes. I let his hand trail down to my stomach so he could feel his child.

"Congratulations, Newt. You're going to be a father."

He laughed again and gently pushed me down onto my back. Newt kissed me with so much passion, it felt like my heart was going to melt. He moved down to kissing my neck, chest, then my stomach where our baby was. I ruffled Newt's hair with my hand, giggling by the feathery touch of his lips.

"How far along are you?" He asked once a minute of silence had passed.

"According to the doctor, she said I'm two months," I replied.

"Who else knows?"

"Brenda, Lizzy, Minho and Harriet. Now, you."

"Do you know if it's a girl or a boy?"

"I don't know. I wanted it to be a surprise."

Newt moved his head to kiss my lips again, whispering to me how much he loves me. I said the same thing to him, wanting him to know how much he means to me. It had now been so long since I gave birth to my two children, Oliver and our newest addition to our family, Iris, watching them grow up so fast. Oliver had just turned four, his hair blond and shaggy, and he was just as bright like his father. Iris began wiggling in my arms, so I naturally looked at her. She was absolutely beautiful. Her eyes were like Newt's, but her hair was caramel-colored and thick. Her cheeks were tinted pink, showing how rosey they were.

"Hi, babygirl," I said softly, putting my pen down.


My soft smile vanished, replacing it with shock. Did she just... say hi? Intrigued, I let out a light laugh. It caught the attention of Newt, so he glanced up from what he was doing and looked at me.

"What is it?" He asked, standing up to his feet.

"Iris just said her first word!" I exclaimed.

A smile instantly appeared on his lips. "What? Really?"

"Yes! She said, 'hi!' "

Thrilled, Newt took his daughter in his arms. Iris cooed, her cute smile showing up on her soft cheeks. Oliver came in, stretching his arms, indicating for me to hold him. I scooped him up and gave him a quick peck on his cheek, to which he laughed. A parent hearing their children laugh is the most incredible sound in the world.

"Did you speak, little darling?" Newt asked playfully to Iris, to which she smiled her precious smile. "Did you say hi to mommy?" She giggled.

He kissed atop her head, causing my own smile to grow wider. Newt leaned in to give me one peck on the lips before proceeding to sit cross legged on the floor and bounce Iris on his leg. And as I sit down, writing in my journal, staring at my ring and watching my husband play with our daughter, and me holding onto our son, I can only think that this is what true happiness is like, and that we will watch our children grow to become independent, and that the cycle of love will continue on as my love for Newt, my children and my friends burn like a star in the midnight sky forever.


I promised I would be posting today, so here it is!

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