Chapter 5 : Oups...

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Blue POV

I got a text from Ink. He says he wants my opinion for one of his creations. I shrug and teleport to his house.

I see him on a doodle in his atelier.

Blue : What do you need me for, Ink ?

Ink : Oh, Blue ! Well, you know how PJ and Palette are my sons, right ?

Blue : Yeah. I don't have your memory yet, don't worry.

Ink : Ouch, that's harsh... Anyway, I am wondering how my magic would fuse with others' magic... So I was thinking of having your opinion on a fusion of ours, since you are my only friend with which it didn't happen. I won't give life to it, though.

Blue : Sure, why not. That's actually a pretty good question here.

I sit next to him, and we discuss it. After sometimes, I get thirty, so I get up to grab a glass but while doing so, I kick in a box... on which Ink keeps some of his magical paint... and it falls right on the drawing.

We both stare at it, and see a baby forming.

Blue : Oups...

Ink : Great, now I have a child with each of my best friends, technically...

He sighs and rubs the bridge of his nose. I guess he will have a headache out of it. I slowly take the child and get out the atelier. I follow behind him. He calls PJ, who comes down, stares at the baby, then at Ink with a "again" kind of look.

Ink nods and hands him the baby.

Ink : I am going to clean my atelier. Blue just go grab your drink. You can begin to think of a name for the baby with PJ.

He leaves us. PJ asks for an explanation, which I give him. He nods. He isn't surprised anymore...

Anyway, we try to think of different possible names for the child.

Blue : Why not something like "Blue Ink" ?

PJ : No.

Ink : Why not Blueprint ?

We turn to him.

PJ : Why ?

Ink : What color are those ink stains, PJ ?

PJ : Prussian blue.

Ink : Right. That is the color used for the blueprint. He also was imagined while taking in account Blue's talent for puzzles. So, it would fit, I think.

Blue : Well, that seems like a good name. And we have nothing better.

PJ : I don't see a problem. I get the feeling this name is meant for him.

Blue : Hm... Ink ? What does it make us ? His dads ? Or his moms ?

Ink : ...

PJ : ...

PJ, Ink : Good question.

PJ : Well, he will settle with what he is the most comfortable with, I guess. The same way I call mom "Mom", but Palette calls him "Father".

Ink : I guess so.

Blue : For now, he should stay with you, I think. I will try to prepare Papy to tell him... I technically have a child.

PJ : ... I want pop-corn and spy on it when that happens...

My treasure : Dust x Blueberryحيث تعيش القصص. اكتشف الآن