Chapter 3 : Underswap therapy.

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Blueberry POV

Blue : Great. Now, what do we do ?

Dust : You didn't think it through ?

Blue : Well, not that much, no. I was thinking we could try to get to know each other more. What do you think ?

Dust : ... Fine by me.

Blue : Great. Wait, I will just call the human. I think remembering Ink told me once the human you despise looks like one of my world.

Dust : Oh, yeah. That's true, in the swap universe that this little...

I hear him grumble and I call the human. I explain and they agree. They also said they were going to keep Papy busy so we could use the house.

Blue : Alright. How about we talk around some tacos ?

He nods and follows me. I go and make him some tacos. We then sit on the couch and I turn Napstabot on.

Blue : So, is there something you would want to do ? ... Napping is forbidden.

He puts the finger he was beginning to rise down. I snicker.

Dust : You just love making me suffer, huh, baby blue ?

Blue : How did you call me ? Are you saying I am a babybone ?

Dust : Am I now ?

He smirks at me. So, it escalated into a pillow fight... who ended by Papyrus entering the house and receiving a pillow on his face.

Blue : H-Hello, Papy !

Chara is holding in a snicker, but trembling really hard from it. Dust however... seems about to lose it. When I notice, I rush to him and hug him.

He falls on his knees and hugs me. I rub circles in his back and he calms down slowly. Now that I think of it... I think Dust alway picks the area where the Papyrus of the AU aren't. Is he trying to not have to see him again ?

Blue : That's alright, Dust... breath. Everything is fine.

I throw a glance to Papy and Chara who both nod. Chara leaves, waving at me. Papy closes the door and turns off the TV.

After a while Dust finally calms down... but he is blocking me in a bear hug. He seems to be asleep.

Carrot : ... Need help ?

I nod. He sighs and carries us to my room, since Dust doesn't seem about to wake up.

Blue : Thanks, Papy.

Carrot : No problems, Bro. But if he touches you the wrong way, he loses his hands.

I nod. I am not that fragile. They all need to stop that ! Papy leaves the room. Sometimes after I fall asleep too.

Dust POV

I wake up in what I assume is Blue's room. How do I assume it ? Well, I have Blue in my room. It isn't mine. And... AAAAAAH he is snuggling against me !!! Help !! He looks so innocent, when he sleeps.

I hear a snicker. I turn to see the ghost of my Papyrus.

Papyrus : So, how everything is going for you, brother ?

Dust : shut it, Pap...

I whisper shout at him. I don't dare to move, afraid of waking Blue up.

Papyrus : Yeah, yeah. ... Sans ?

I jolt. It has been long since he called me by my name. I look at him.

Papyrus : Maybe this time, you will get it. The happy end you deserve.

I blink and stare at him. What does he mean ? Is he referring to Blue ? I jolt again, because my phone is ringing. Blue groans. It seems to have woken him up. I pick my phone and answer.

Dust : Y-yeah ?

Nightmare : Where are you ? Come back to the mansion this instant, you idiot.

Dust : Y-yes sir !!

I hang up.

Blue : Nightmare ?

Dust : Yeah... I will be going, see...

He grabs me, and goes to take a pen and a paper. He writes something, then hands me the paper.

Blue : Here is my number. Come when you can drop by. I will be happy seeing you, Dust !

He gives me an innocent smile. I nod and take the paper, then teleport back home.

Papyrus : Somebody is in love~ I cheer for you, Sans.

I glare daggers at him, before sighting and thanking him.

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