63 - Murder On The RMS Valour

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"No, not - not really."

"Perhaps he was too drunk to process it then. I think the trade was meant to occur last night. Why else would the Sandborns make a statement by killing his wife?"

"You have a point but, God, Sherlock, that means Lucetta didn’t have to die. If I had just done that tonight when they had already traded then it might have been okay."

"Elizabeth, it is not - listen to me - it is not your fault. You didn't know."

A shine teased her eyes, "But - "

"No. We're not having this conversation. It's not your fault and that's that."

Elizabeth sighed, rubbing her hands over her eyes, "Okay, but then what do we do? It's inevitable Daniel will find out."

"The staff are going around waking up each passenger and asking them to gather in the entertainment quarter. Security are handling the scene in the restaurant quarter."

"Is there an officer on board that can help? Surely there has to be."

"Not strictly speaking."

Her eyes narrowed at his response.

"DI Lestrade." Sherlock announced to her, taking out Lestrade's police identification from his pocket, "You're not the only pick pocket."

This made the edges of her lips turn up slightly. Then it dawned on her.

"We have someone looking at CCTV."


"Olly. He's the security guard that Mycroft assigned to us. He gave us a radio. It's been off since last night and I guess work meant he couldn't come and find us but he might know more. He should be in the CCTV office."

"That's where we go first then."

*  *  *  *  *  *  *

Elizabeth rapped on the door of the security office, herself and Sherlock awkwardly shuffling outside. The door opened to reveal a man who towered above the two of them.

"Everything alright? You should be with the other passengers in the entertainment quarter."

"DI Lestrade." Sherlock flashed the badge at the guard, quick enough for him to see the police badge but not quick enough for the guard to see the picture, "And this is Miss Eva Smith."

"My apologies, Inspector. If you're wanting to have a look at CCTV then you can, but I'm afraid there's nothing. All we know is that our camera in the restaurant quarter was stuck on a loop."

"I expected as much. Did you check the CCTV at the bar? That's the last place the victim was seen."

"Uh, that we haven't. Come in." He opened the office door wider for the two of them to come in, "Inspector, if you don't mind my asking, why is a civilian with you?"

"She's the woman who last saw the victim head to the bar."

"Right, I see." The guard let the door close before he took a seat at his desk to scan through the footage.

"Aren't there normally more of you in here?" Elizabeth questioned at seeing the lack of an Olly.

"Yeah, three of us at a time normally. Paul's gone down to help manage people and Olly, well," He shrugged, "He never came back from his errand. Can't find him anywhere on cameras either. And no, I don't believe he'd be the murderer. Chap's too kind - couldn't hurt a fly."

"Errand?" Sherlock queried.

"Asked Paul about it. Apparently he never said what but Olly just never came back. Beginning to worry honestly - " He paused, sitting back slightly, "You're joking."

It Started With Stealing | Sherlock HolmesOpowieści tętniące życiem. Odkryj je teraz