
Comenzar desde el principio

Their patronous was the same as their anamagi.


Quidditch had always been the highlight of each year, the adrenaline from each match and the discussions with Sirius and James later on. Harry loves each second of it, except for this year. The year where Harry found himself falling from the depths of the sky, surrounded by a chilling breeze violently grazing his cheek.

He had chased the snitch multiple times now, he knew that being a seeker means following the snitch to no end.

Harry was the best seeker people had seen and that was for a reason. He knew of the danger, he was willing to take it.

However, he lost consciousness this time. The last thing he remembered was slipping. The crowd, his parents, everyone spotted the boy who falling from the sky.

Not the one to be overcome by fear, and always leading with her head, Lily was quick to cast a spell to cushion her son's fall and minimise all damages. Still, she found herself clutching James's hand in the hospital room, waiting for their child to wake. 

Next to him, was his tethered broom and that was the very first thing Harry saw as he opened his eyes. The loss and damage to his broom shot him deep in the heart, learning that quidditch - one thing he believed to be consistent in his schooling- had also now been tainted by the darkness that follows him. 

While the raven was gravely saddened, somewhere Sirius was cackling maniacally, because now, finally he could buy Harry a new model. 


The Malfoy was notorious for running his mouth, but this time he was rewarded by a punch to the face by a 'mudbood'. The trio soon fled the scene, proceeding to go see Hagrid. They had seen the minister and the executioner along with Dumbledore enter the hut. 

The creature outside moaned happily, completely unaware of his upcoming demise. The thought saddened Harry and as absurd as it sounded, he found himself sympathising. For long Harry has felt himself to be the pawn, strangers are pulling the threads and he is unwillingly dancing along. He wanted to gift Buckbeak the freedom and so the three young kids let their heart win over and freed their friend to let him soar in the skies. 

Satisfied, Harry turned to return but his gaze landed on a familiar rat, running out of Hagrid's shed. 

Somehow, he knew, he knew from those pictures of his parents and their friends in animagi forms. 

Harry screamed, "Mione, Ron that's Pettigrew. Come with me."After that he turned towards the ginormous winged creature and said "Buckbeak, oh you have been great. Please run away, this is not the place for you right now."

They ran and tried following the rat. Ron having one of the fastest animal form turned on the way. They chased the rat to the Whomping Willow.

They struggled with the waging willow and almost loosing Ron, but finally found themselves face to face with the man who had killed many, the one who tried to kill Harry. 

And with the help of the map Remus confiscated, he along with James and Sirius joined the kids in a matter of minutes. 

Peter now stood in his human form. Facing six angry individuals. Harry wondered about his mother, she was not the one who would stay away from confronting this conspirator.

The man acted strange as he said, "Remus, Sirius, my old friends". He had obviously not seen James standing behind him shielding the children. He turned around sensing a presence and his eyes showed a flick of fear, then he again broke out in the smile he had on before.

"Harry look at you, James he looks just like you", he said.

"Do. Not. Say their names" said Sirius from the back, "you gave up the right to say our names, or even call us friends the day you sided against us."

"You sold us to Voldemort didn't you?" said Remus. They all knew the truth, however in their heart they knew that if they heard a no they would believe it.

Peter shifted his glances between the 6 wands pointed at him and broke down, "I didn't mean to, the Dark Lord, you have no idea of the weapons he possesses. Ask yourself Sirius what would you have done."

"I would have died, rather than betray my friends, my family" spat Sirius, sincerity lacing each word. 

Harry heard them exchange back and forth, he watched Peter beg for mercy. Then, finally, he watched the years of pent up rage explode as the three men prepared to kill. 

But before any of them could cast a spell, a distinct "no" rang through the room. James turned back and found Harry standing, determination so prominent he could confuse it with Lily's.  "Don't kill him dad, if you do you all go to Azkaban. Let him go there, he deserved it. After all, people face a fate worse than death there"

The grips on the wand tighten, knowing they were one spell away from getting the revenge they craved for, the revenge they believed they needed. 

But all they really would ever need was family, was it not? Weren't they fighting for it? So why would they risk that over a man who deserved to rot.

As they all carried out the crouched man outside, Lily stood there with four official ministry workers. Of course mom was out doing the sensible thing none of us were thinking about, thought Harry in utmost astonishment.

"Oh Lily, a sensible boy we have raised. Stopped us from making a terrible mistake" said James while hugging his wife. Whatever she muttered back made James laugh with his head thrown back. 

Everybody returned home that year. Happy with themselves and with their recent success.

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