High heels

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Ahsoka grinned evilly. THIS was why she learned to play Sabacc.

"Commanderrrrrrrr!" Tup complained, "You are SO SO mean!"

"Commander, this is SO against the rules." Dogma said, shaking his head.

Ahsoka put her hands on hips sassily, "Dogma, can you HONESTLY tell me that there's something in the Regs about this?"

"Well... Not exactly."

"SEE! It's perfectly fiiine to be doing!"

Tup looked down at his feet, "Not fine, Commander, at all."

The wicked grin returned to Ahsoka's face, "Now you will be subject to the torture that women face."

Ahsoka did a drumroll on the wall, "HIGH HEELS!"

A/N XD PART ONE COMPLETE! Creds to PseudonymGal for the idea!

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