prank 2

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Echo and Fives gathered their food and sat down at the mess hall, glancing all around them in not to well-hidden terror.

"Commander Tano is gonna kill us," Echo whispered in terror. Even Fives kept looking towards the door.

Ahsoka spotted them from across the room and smiled. Mind you not a LOVELY sort of smile... A a predatory smile. She skipped over there, TAUNTING them. Then she leaned in close to them, baring her fangs in a smile, "You will pay."

If Echo and Fives were anyone else, their pants would now be soiled. Ahsoka skipped away in obvious merriment and Echo smacked his head on the table.

"You've literally dug our graves," Echo said, muffledly.

Just then, Jesse waltzed over and plonked himself down before seeing their dispair," Uh- what's up with you two?" He asked as Fives stared at his food.

"My last meal." He said woefully.


Echo looked up wearily, "Well here's what happened..."


By the end of the tale, the mess was distinctly split in two. One side was Echo and Fives- the other was everyone else. Jesse was hiding behind a reg manual and he nodded.

"It is too dangerous to be seen with you," Jesse whispered just loud enough for them to hear, "But yes. Your dead."

Echo sighed, and then thwacked Fives, "This was YOUR idea!" Echo hissed at him.

Fives looked up at Echo, "I have a plan. But it will require us giving up our last bit of dignity."

"Anything! What is it?"

Fives squared his shoulders, "We beg her to not kill us."

They stood and left the mess hall, much to the relief of everyone else and walked to Ahsoka's room. Knocking, they found that the door was open.

"Might as well get this over with," Fives murmured and he pushed open the door.

A/N Okay :) I had to add their terror! Tomorrow we shall see what Ahsoka will do. *Cackles madly*

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