Halloween Special!

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I felt like doing a hella cute Halloween special with baby Izuku, dadzawa, and dadmic. So here you go. Also art, not mine


"Daddy! Daddy! Papa! Papa!" Little Izu ran up to his dad's in his little ghost costume. "Look at my costume!!" "I can see that, problem child," Aizawa said smiling. "That's an awesome costume, little listener!" Aizawa was wearing a cat costume and Mic was wearing a bird costume. "Ready to go, little Izu?" "Yeah!!!!" Izuku said getting his pumpkin bag. Mic and Aizawa were both smiling at Izuku's excitement. "Let's go then!" they left the house and crossed the street for the first house. "Trick or treat!" Izuku said happily. "Awwwh! You're adorable! Here you go!" A woman, who looked like she was in her mid-20s, was in a mummy costume. "Thank you!" Izuku said happily and ran to his dads. "Look! got candy!" "I see that, Problem child. Let's go to the next houses." They trick or treated for a little while until they stumbled upon a haunted house. "Let's go in there," Aizawa said taking Izuku's hand. They walked in it for a few minutes until Izuku heard something. "Daddy?... What was that?" "It's nothing to be afraid of." Izuku nodded, but then something popped out and scared him. He hugged Mic's leg and started to cry. "Hey, hey, hey! Little listener! It's okay! It's all fake!" Mic said bending down to Izuku's level. "Yeah. We'll both be here to protect you anyway." Aizawa said picking Izuku up. 

They walked out of the haunted house a little while later then walked home. They put their candy on the counter. Mic and Aizawa put Izuku to bed. "Thank you for taking me out for trick or treating, Daddy and Papa!" "Your welcome. Problem child. Get some rest now." Aizawa said tucking Izuku in. "Yeah. Good night, little listener." Mic said, trying to be as quiet as possible. Didn't do much, he was still as loud as ever, but its the effort that counts. They left, and after a little while, Izuku fell asleep.


Yeah sorry if its short or whatever. I want to get this out tonight and I won't have time to do it tomorrow. I would've made this before I went trick or treating, but did I? nOOoo. My lazy ass didn't want to. Now that I read that again, that was more of a rant. But whatever. Imma go listen to agoraphobic by Corpse and play Roblox or something-

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