Chapter 4 (Magic Knights Exam)

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This chapter is dedicated to MinakoArisato04, thank you for your comment and votes!


It appeared as though humanity would be destroyed by the demons. But a single mage saved them all. He was called a Wizard King, and he became a legend.

Time has passed, and the title of the Wizard King has been passed down through generations. The Wizard King commands the Magic Knights, and they protect the kingdom together. The Magic Knights are comprised of nine squads of mages that specialize in combat, all under the command of the Wizard King. This band of heroes protects the kingdom with their lives. To become the Wizard King or Magic Knight is the aspiration of all in the Clover Kingdom.

After six months of training and waiting. The Magic Knights Exam is finally on the corner. Today, the three will be traveling on foot towards the capital. Everyone was infront of the church, biding their farewells. "Take care." Father Orsi said to the three. "You better write us, Yuno, Demi." Recca reminded them. "Sure/Of course" They both answered.

"Good luck!"/"Get back soon!" Aruru and Hollo told them. "They'll be back soon... Asta, that is." With his hands on his head, Nash added. "Nash!" Asta was annoyed by what Nash said but not until Nash talked again.

"But you know... If, just if, and it's a very huge if... If you get into the Magic Knights..." Nash was clenching his fist and his eyes were full of hope. "Yeah?" Asta ask questioningly. "I'll believe in possibilities, I'll believe I can become anything. And then one day, I'll get into the Magic Knights too... No, never mind." Nash changed his mind in the end.

"I'll be waiting for you." Asta encouraged him. "Well, we'll be off, Demi." Yuno called her. Demi just nodded and bowed towards everyone. "Goodbye everyone, we'll visit when we have time. I'll be sure to write you letters too." She stood up and wave at them. "We'll miss you Demi! Be safe!" Everyone said their farewell to Demi and hugged her. "Hey, wait, Yuno!" Asta yelled.

Demi also started to walk away, but she suddenly felt something on her shoulder. "Nero, are you also coming with us?" The bird nodded. Demi met Nero on the day of her fifteenth birthday, after she received her grimoire, a bird showed up and started following her. So she decided to take care of it.

One day, when they were deciding what the name of the bird will be, a name suddenly crossed Demi's mind as she was looking at the bird. "Secre". The bird was taken aback. But later on, flew to the crook of her neck and stuffed itself there. Like it was hugging her.

"Did you say something Demi?" Asta asked her. "Nothing" she replied. "So as I was saying, Toritaro is the best name for him! " Asta and Yuno was arguing about what to name the bird. "How could you be sure it's a he? I think Yumi will be better." Yuno disagreed Asta's idea and shared his own.

"Yumi? That's too girly!.... Wait a minute. Yu-mi... Yuno, Demi. What?! You sly handsome jerk! That's you and Demi's name combined! I won't let it!" Asta and Yuno where arguing again, this even louder. Demi didn't paid attention to them as she was thinking of a name.

"How about Nero?" Asta and Yuno turned their heads when they heard Demi talked. "Nero... it's not that bad." Yuno said. "Well I guess it's better than Yumi. Fine! From now on you're Nero!" Nero was annoyed by Asta's shouting and started attacking his head. "Aahhhhhh! Get away from me you bird!" Asta shouted while running in circles. "He deserves it." Yuno muttered.

Back to the present after days of traveling, they finally caught a sight of the capital. "Whoa, it's huge! So that's the royal capital?" Asta was very amazed as well as Yuno and Demi. 'That's where the Wizard King is.' Asta thought as he smiled with determination.

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