CH 26 - The Trade Next Door: Darnell - Kareem's Narration

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Kareem: [clearly pissed] ... Man fuck this, I should just go to the locker room.

Stan: Then coach will either suspend or cut your ass. [leans over to me and whisper in my ear]

... And then I won't be able to wash you in the shower no more.

Kareem: [laughs loudly] You stupid!


After that incident with Jayson happened, Stan and Darnell started rooming together again. That's when I knew ... I just had a feeling that Stan must've been fucking with Darnell too. I know it's a negative stereotype, but since he acts like so a bitch, but I bet Darnell's the bottom. Fucking stank attitude having motherfucker. I hope Stanley blowing his back out.


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One day before practice, I sat across from Stan in the locker. He was getting changed when his dick was trying see what was going on. He didn't notice and I couldn't help but look at it. I kinda wish I had my phone out recording him. Oh yeah, I did, I was pretending to be interviewing him!


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Kareem: After the last away game, you was giving a interview talking 'bout "that good 'D'!"

Stan: [chuckling] Yeah, I always bring that good "D"! [I'm not sure if he knew his dick was making an appearance, but Darnell's blocking ass interrupted him]

Darnell: Nigga you dick hanging out. [turns his back to me]

Kareem: [pretending not to have seen Stanley's dick] ... I'll cut it out. [moves behind Darnell and tried to be friendly with this bitch ass]

... So Darnell, you been averaging a triple double in the last four games, will tomorrow be number five?

Darnell: Yeah, I believe so ... but you'll have some front row seats while watching me do it.


I swear I was about to punch the nigga dead in the back of his head, but Stan jumps up and pulls me away from. Now mind you, his dick was still hanging out the fly opening on his boxer shorts. The back of my hand was rubbing against his dick, which got hard instantly. Normally, I'd be thinking bout how I was I gonna get to feel his dick without anyone seeing, but a few of the other players got between us as Stan covered himself up.

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