...She thought.

But Amity, she... She didn't act like that without a reason. Amity didn't just lash out for no reason. Sometimes the reasons were good, and sometimes the reasons only made sense to her, but she didn't lash out just because it felt good to. She wasn't like that for the sake of being like that. Something had upset her.

And the more Luz thought about it, replaying the interaction in her mind, the more she focused on how she herself had acted.

She had been the one to yell first. She had been the one to push things. She had been the one who pried.

Here she was, thankful that Eda hadn't pried into her business because she didn't want to get into what was wrong with her, but she hadn't been able to do that for Amity? There was a word for that - It was hypocrite.

She was a hypocrite.

It was hard to figure out why she had felt like she had needed to push things the way that she had, why she had been so... Intent on getting Amity to explain things to her. She didn't fully understand it herself. It was...

Amity had just been able to share the truth about her last Valeween. Such a trauma that had affected her, and still clearly affected her up until today. She had trusted Luz with that information, and her trust wasn't poorly placed - Luz would take that to her grave if Amity wanted her to. And in her head, what was so important that Amity could trust her with that, but couldn't trust her with... Whatever else had been bothering her?

...But what business was it of hers?

At the end of the day, Amity was right. She didn't need to explain more than that if she didn't want to. She didn't owe Luz that,

She didn't owe her anything.

....It hurt.

That was the real reason. Removing all the layers of justification, all the post-hoc arguments Luz could think of for either herself or for Amity, all... Everything else, that was what it came down to.

It hurt Luz to feel like there was something that big, something that important, that Amity didn't think she could trust with her. Wouldn't trust with her. Didn't want to trust with her.

Luz had thought that they had reached a point where there wasn't anything that they couldn't trust with one another. The fact she was wrong hurt.

Everything that had come from that fight.... It hurt.

It hurt.... Way, way more than she had expected it to.

Way more.


Why did it hurt this much?

Why did she always screw up like this with people she cared about?

...She wanted to see Amity. To apologize to her. To explain that she understood that she'd screwed up. She...

...She just wanted to see Amity.

Even after they had just had a fight.

How did that make any sense?

Her Scroll buzzed suddenly. She recognized the chime it let out too - A message.

Luz considered just ignoring it in its entirety. She couldn't have possibly been less motivated or interested in whatever someone was messaging her about right now, of all times.

But what if it was Amity?

What if maybe she wanted to talk? Figure things out?... Or, tell her she didn't want to see her again. That was also a distinct... Horrifying possibility.

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