CH 7 - I Wanna Come See U - Kareem's POV

Start from the beginning


Desiree took her nephew, grandmother, and me out to celebrate my new job that I'd be starting on Monday. Finally, I was gonna be providing more than some shitty part-time job that only pays minimum wage. I felt like the bitch in the relationship. Desiree had been working as a dental hygienist for three years now. She was making pretty good money straight outta Freeport Technical College. She was also set-up with 50K in life insurance money after her grandfather died. I guess it pays to be the favorite grandchild.

Desiree's family had lots of issues. Her mother's parents raised her and her sister Kayla after their mother couldn't handle the responsibilities of raising two young girls on her own. Her younger sister would later follow in her mother's footsteps by letting drugs and alcohol ruin her life. That's why her nephew was taken away from her sister.




How'd we meet? I first met Desiree during my sophomore year at BBCU. Me and Prince had a falling out over some little fucking THOT boys from Palmer University. Palmer University or PU like everybody called them. They hated that shit! They'd say the shortened name of their school was Palmer U. BBCU and PU were number 3 & 5 respectively of the oldest HBCU in North Carolina. But I'll tell y'all about them later.

Back to my beautiful wife. She was a "Diva – best believe-a!" My baby was a professional in the streets and the ultimate freak in the sheets. I never been with a female that was so open and free with herself in private. I thought Jaquon turned me out, boy was I ever wrong.

From the first time I saw her, she had my attention. Now mind you, I was in a down low/secret relationship with Prince for over a year. And I was having some legit feelings for him. But we had to do our business behind locked doors, at cheap motels, or away from Freeport.

Even though we agreed from the get-go that we weren't in an "official" relationship and promised not to get too attached to one another. Things got complicated when our friends got between us. One of them was our mutual friend Malcolm.

Malcolm was in his "I'm gonna be a famous photographer" phase. Desiree had posed for him multiple times before. At first, I was helping with the lights and other shit. He'd photograph me from time to time. That nigga could talk anyone outta they clothes. That too is a story for later.

I did a few shoots with Desiree; Malcolm said that we "had that natural chemistry and the camera loved us." The first time we did a nude shoot together, my dick got hard as fuck and it was poking her. At one point, I was leaking pre-cum on her. That freaky ass Malcolm did extreme close up shoots of us naked to hide our face. The way he was like a foot away from my dick with Desiree holding it. My hormones were off the chain. Desiree asked me for my number. We went out like twice. Nothing major, just a movie and some dinner.

One day while he was doing a shoot with Desiree and Hasan. But Hasan had to go for some reason. Malcolm asked me to fill in for Hasan. Giving the chance to pose with Desiree, knowing Malcolm would probably have us naked soon. I jumped at the chance. And of course, after we took a bunch of photos together. Malcolm wanted to do some "tasteful" nudes. I was all for it. Desiree was fucking gorgeous and if she wasn't interested, there was always the possibility of fucking Malcolm. He "handled" my dick once to put it in the position he wanted, but that too is also a story for later.


Long story short, the photoshoot got a little steamy. We were doing some erotic poses together. Of course, I got hard. Then Desiree just went for it. She grabs my dick and lays it on her ass. We went from tasteful and erotic to damn near porn in less than 5 minutes.

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