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Your smile is the perfect recipe for my heart.
A thousand stars are gleaming inside my head.
Soft chuckle of yours is like the humming wind in an autumn morning.
Your shining eyes are shimmering moonlight.
As I sink into these eyes,I see azure thoughts swimming in the dark lakes.
Time has stopped for once.
The music player has paused on our song.
We're bewitched by the rhythm.
Our feet sway with the tune.
As your lips brush against mine,
a warm music fills in my head.
Your touch feels like rippling water on my skin.
That my cells get electrified in ecstasy.
That one feeling is ineffable.
It's a thimble.
Or a magical touch like summer,spring,winter
and autumn all rolled into one.
Is it just mere happiness?
Or were you my imagination?
The song ends.
You faded away in my day dream.

Memories of a random teenager (Completed)✔Where stories live. Discover now