Burq releases his breath slowly, having no emotions to suppress anymore— no rage or frustration. His heartbeats speak of another name now, much louder than any other name.

"You won't ask me to sit down?" he finally says. "I can't keep standing forever with these crutches."

Raad blinks in confusion before nodding quickly and creating space on the bed. "Sit here."

Burq sits down on the bed. Raad quietly sits beside him. They stay like that for a while before Burq cranes his neck to look at him.

"Thank you."

Raad looks back at him in puzzlement. "What for?"

"For marrying Doha." Burq smiles. "If it wasn't for you, I'd never have known Leyla. And by God, what an unlucky man I must have been then."

"You mean," Raad raises both eyebrows quizzically, "you mean aren't upset with me anymore?"


He stares at Burq in a lost understanding, but then smiles back at him. "Really, akhi?"

"Really." Burq twists the wedding band on his ring finger, toying with it. "And I'm sorry for being blind to your feelings. And to Doha's too. I wish you both had told me before hand, but if you both loved each other I had no right to be selfish and come in between."

Raad shakes his head. "All is forgiven."

"All is forgiven," Burq repeats and open his arms for him.

Raad grins and leaps to embrace him. "Brother," he mumbles into his shoulder, "my brother. I missed you so much. I've been so lonely without you."

Burq closes his eyes and hugs him tighter. "Losing you was like losing a best friend, Raad. I've been lonely without you too." He claps his back before pulling away. "I missed you too."

"So you and Leyla are coming home with me?"

"No," Burq refuses. "Not yet. But soon, by God's will."

Raad gives up without arguing. "I won't insist or pry if you don't see it fit currently. But it's been long, akhi. Everyone wants you back home."

Burq hums reassuringly. "I'll come back home to you all. And I'll bring my wife with me."

Raad smiles at him. "You love her, don't you?"

Burq gazes away into the void. "I do. Maddeningly so."

"So do your eyes say."

He chuckles. "My eyes speak too much, don't they?"

Raad laughs, leaning back on his hands. "She told you that?"

"She did."

"She's right."

"She always is."

His brother gives him a tender look— a look both of joy and slight amusement. But what does he even know of this woman? If anyone does, they'll fall for her too. For she's no ordinary woman as he had initially thought of her to be. Leyla is his once upon a lifetime lover. And if he tried to explain it to him what she means to him, or define the extent of his love, words won't be able to do justice to his feelings and this love will lose its meaning. So he doesn't bother trying.

"She sounds like a wonderful woman," Raad says after a minute, interrupting his thoughts.

"Did my eyes tell you that too?" Burq teases.

Raad chuckles lightly and shakes his head. "No, your attitude tells me. She has changed you, akhi, and for good."

Burq searches his face and finds his words honest. He shifts his gaze as his lips pull back, but doesn't reply. Raad's statement doesn't need any affirmation. He speaks the truth.

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