08 Addiction

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One day you will ask me which is more important?
My life or yours?
I will say mine
And you will walk away
Not knowing that you are my life.

Khalil Gibran

The mountains shade a mystical blue as the sun slides behind them, its rays casting a pink hue over some clouds while the others shade a faint orange

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The mountains shade a mystical blue as the sun slides behind them, its rays casting a pink hue over some clouds while the others shade a faint orange. The lake reflects the picturesque view like a magnificent painting, glorifying the nature. It looks like an art.

Leyla rubs her hands together to warm them. Winter has set in and the cold is harsh and biting. She stays standing on the broadwalk, watching the light slowly diminish as the sky darkens. Another day has gone by without him.

Her gaze collides with the mountaintops and returns to her but her thoughts keep circling around him. Only if Burq wasn't an addiction she is trying to get rid of. Only if his pride wouldn't keep shattering her honor.

But what is the meaning of returning to him every time when he doesn't need her but to nullify his loneliness? Is it really only her freedom she's after that only he can give her? She hopes it's nothing more.


She turns around to find Gulalai standing at the other end of the broadwalk.

"You're coming home?"

"I need a few more minutes of solitude," Leyla responds.

Gulalai looks up at the clouds and then back to her. "Don't stay out long. The weather is fickle."

Leyla only nods and smiles.

Gulalai tugs at the sleeves of her sweater and tucks her hands under her arms, walking towards her. She comes to stand beside her.

"It's been three days you haven't seen him," she reminds Leyla.

"I've lived twenty five years of my life without him. I've functioned just fine before him."

"Before him, you didn't know him, neither were you wedded to him."

Leyla gives her another smile, this time half and sardonic. "After him, I managed to live alright too. Be that only a month without him, but if his accident hadn't happened I wouldn't have returned to him."

Gulalai reaches out to squeeze her arm. "I know, darling. I know no one dies without another, but one does suffer without another." She mirrors her smile. "And you're suffering, Brekhna. And I'm sure he's suffering too. Don't let his pride take away the kindness of your heart. Be there for him when he needs you."

Leyla threads her fingers and look down at them. "He keeps hurting me, Gul."

"That's why I'm not fond of him." Gulalai shrugs. "But I don't want you to change your ways because of him."

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