stuck with you; jjk (halloween special)

Start from the beginning

Her grip on the bag tightens. She notices all the other women visibly tensing too. Of course they would. This is war.

She quickly dumps the last of her stuff into her office bag. A shrill ring blasts through the room.

She stands up at the speed of light and hastily mutters a "see you" to Jimin before tearing through the office in the direction of the bathroom, pushing and shoving the other ladies out of the way. All is fair in war and war.

Y/N was only a couple of centimeters away from her target when a hand suddenly grabbed her elbow and yanked her back. She groans in irritation and whips back to look at the face of the moron in her way. Her anger quickly dissipates to fear.

"N-Namjoon sir," she stutters.

"Y/N," he greets.

"Uhm....whatever it is, can it wait? I'll get changed real quick and then we can talk."

He raises an eyebrow at her. "You're not in the position to make any requests. To my office, now."

"B-But sir-"

"Do I have to repeat myself?"

"...No sir." She obediently follows him to his office room.

He takes his time, walking around the desk before sitting on his revolving chair comfortably.

"Have a seat," he says.

Y/N quickly does as he says, the irritation and fear on her face barely concealed.

"Sir?" she prompts.

He leans forward slightly, elbows propping up on the table. "I think you know why I called you here, Y/N."

Namjoon turns his computer screen towards her. "Look. Where's the last two weeks report hmm?"

"Erm...sir, my dog ate it."

He quirks an eyebrow in amusement. "What are you, a primary school kid? We do our reports online Y/N."

"Uhh....oh yeah." She squirms in her seat under her superiors steady gaze.

"So? No excuse? That's new."

Y/N stays silent.

She simply can't bring herself to say that she had thrown her laptop across the room in a fit of anger and had literally smashed it into pieces. She had taken it to a repair shop and waited a whole three days to learn that it couldn't be fixed. There went a perfectly good laptop and she was waiting for the end of the month to receive a paycheck so she could finally get a new one.

Why couldn't she get a new one now? Simple. She was broke as hell. Her bank account was completely empty because she had spent it all on some pet store to help with their renovation and had gotten a golden retriever as a thank you. 

Y/N is a woman of many talents but taking care of pets is unfortunately not one of them. As a result, in her state of cluelessness she spent whatever money she had left buying everything a dog needs and more. Way more.

"I must say, I'm disappointed in you. You will hand me the finished reports in two days time alright? All of them," Namjoon orders.

"Yes sir," she agrees meekly.

"Okay, now go. I'm not that cruel. It wouldn't be fair for you to miss the party. Just as it's not fair for you to not submit your reports on time and make my life harder," Namjoon says slyly.

A wave of shame washes over Y/N. "I'll get it done sir."

"Good. You're dismissed," he says with a flick of his wrist.

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