modern fairytale; jhs

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The handsome male halted in his actions and looked up at the owner of the voice. "What?"

"I said get the fuck down Hoseok, this isn't working," snapped the girl.

"What the hell Y/N? This was all your idea!" Hoseok whined indignantly.

"Yeah, I know it was but please just get down. You're supposed to be gentle Hoseok, that's the fucking point of the story!" Y/N yells.

"Keep your voice down Y/N! I didn't just risk my ass to get caught," Hoseok scolds.

"I'll keep it down when you're no longer ripping my hair out of my skull!" Y/N retorts.

Hoseok pauses and fixes Y/N with a rather judgmental stare. "You're wearing a fucking wig."

"Doesn't mean it doesn't hurt like a bitch. Just get down. The way you are, by the time you reach the window to kiss me, I'll be dead from the pain," she snaps.

"Jeez, quit overreacting. Also, you try and gently climb up a bloody makeshift rope made out of rather thin wig hair!"

"Just get down before I drop you."

"Give me a minute will you? I'm not fucking magical."

"Hurry up!"

"Shut up!"

"My damn scalp."

"My mistake. Why the hell did I even agree to this?"

"Simple, cuz you love me."

"Yeah, now I'm starting to wish I didn't," the boy comments as he slowly makes his way down the paper tower, all the while hoping these props don't give way and cause him and his girlfriend to go crashing to their deaths.


"Don't Hoseok me! Do you have any bloody idea how many damn rules you broke in a single night?! First you roam around in the middle of the night; not allowed. Second, you come to the boys dorms and wake me up; not allowed. Third, you drag me to the fucking theatre auditorium; not allowed. Fourth, you use the damn props because you want to roleplay Rapunzel which is probably the worst fairytale to roleplay; again not allowed. See where I'm going with this?"

Y/N sighs. "Yes Hoseok, I know where you're going with this. And seriously? You need to loosen up a bit. It's a goddamn -ouch- drama college man, what'd you expect?"

"Certainly not to end up falling for a girl who just loves the risk of breaking rules. In fact, I'd even say that you love it more than you love me!"

"Oh it's just for the thrill and the adrenaline. I assure you, I like you much better."

"Yeah, right. I'm starting to think you want me dead."

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