Chapter Five

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The drive to the hospital was a blur, as was bursting into the emergency room with Kate hot on her heels.


Noel ran into her mother's arms as quickly as she could.

"Where is she?"

"She's right in that room at the end of the hall but, Noel wait!"

It was too late, Noel was booking it down the hall. When she reached the room she burst in the door, out of breath & sweating. She looked in the hospital bed to see her little sister, looking bruised and banged up but otherwise okay.

"Noel! You came!"

"Of course I came, you're my sister. . ."

As soon as she said the words, she could see tears spilling from Jasmine's eyes and felt her own rolling down her cheeks.

"What happened?" Noel asked as she sat down on the bed and took her sister's IV clad hand.

"It all happened so fast. Dallas and I were going to Chandler's for a drink and we were almost there when we hit this patch of black ice. I remember seeing that we were headed towards a tree but then it's all a blank until I woke up here."

Noel gently brushed the hair from her little sister's face.

"I'm so glad you're okay! Is Dallas okay?"

"They won't tell me and I'm so worried Noel!"

"Don't worry sweetie, I'll find out for you. You just lay back and rest your body, okay?"

Too tired to argue, Jasmine slid quietly under the covers and laid down. Noel kissed her temple and left the room.

"How is she?" Robert asked as Noel approached her parents.

"She'll be okay, just roughed up a bit. She's worried about Dallas, have you guys heard what's going on with him?"

Her parents exchanged a look before her mother finally spoke.

"He suffered a lot of head trauma. He's in surgery right now. They said they don't know if he'll make it thru. His parents are with him now, in the surgery waiting room."

"Oh my God!" Noel said, burying her face in her hands.

For all his goofiness, Dallas Maxwell was a good guy. He worked for the local mechanic in Collinsville and was very talented.

Just as Noel was about to have a full-fledged break down, the doors to the waiting area burst open

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Just as Noel was about to have a full-fledged break down, the doors to the waiting area burst open.

Noel couldn't believe her eyes.


"I came as soon as I heard, how's Jasmine?"

Without a second thought, Noel ran into Anthony's arms.

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