Chapter Two

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As Noel slowly opened her eyes, the first thing she was aware of was her pounding headache. The second was the fact that she didn't recognize her surroundings at all. Panic gripped her chest as she sprang up from the bed she'd been laying in.

"Where the hell am I?" she thought, taking in the room around her. "At least these people have good taste in decor" she said under her breath.

"Why thank you, I didn't think you'd notice!"

The effortlessly smooth voice came from the doorway of the bedroom.

The effortlessly smooth voice came from the doorway of the bedroom

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"Anthony!? What are. . .what's going on?"

The fear and uncertainty of her situation hit Noel out of nowhere as the tears welled up in her eyes.

"Whoa, hey, hey it's okay! Everything's okay."

Anthony rushed over to her side, sitting down next to her on the bed while keeping a respectful distance.

"What happened, Anthony? What am I doing here?" Noel managed to choke out.

"You hit a snowbank and spun out. I was coming down Forest Avenue and saw your car."

"Oh, yeah, the car ran a red light, I swerved to try and miss him. Wait, then why am I here and why don't I remember getting here?"

"Well, after calling me every name you could think of, I finally convinced you to ride back here with me in my truck so I could hook up your car and pull it out of the snow. You passed out asleep on the ride here, so I brought you into the guestroom. "

Slowly, as Anthony spoke, it all started to come back to Noel. He'd pulled up and tried to help her get out of the car. She recalled insisting she didn't need his help & him telling her not to be so stubborn considering the snow that was coming down. She did remember calling him a few choice words as he swooped in, quite literally, and carried her back to his truck. The shock must have made her so tired she passed out.

Yes, that was it, the shock. It had nothing to do with feeling safe and comfortable in Anthony's arms. Nothing at all.

"I was just about to have some hot tea, you want a glass?" he asked. "Milk, sugar & two drops of honey?"

"No, thanks, I better get - wait, you remembered how I take my tea?"

If she wasn't mistaken, Noel could've sworn she saw him blush slightly.

"It was a good guess. . ."

"It's been 5 years, how could you - you know what, nevermind, I don't want to know! I'll see myself out."

"Noel, there's a snowstorm outside for God's sake, just sit down!"

Noel stood up and made her way towards the kitchen, which was just outside the guestroom.

"I'll be fine Anthony, just point me towards the front door here, damn this place is huge!"

She wasn't certain what was making her so frantic, but Noel just knew she couldn't be there with him, she couldn't go through any emotional issues that came with him.

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