Sky Pirates... in the Sky

Start from the beginning

We rule these skies uncharted

Cruel and vicious hearties we

Who sail upon the skies and not the sea

🎵(Don Karnage)🎵
Tis I who lead this fearsome crew

With dagger, swagger, derring-do

Handsome and fearsome and suave

He's the famous Pirate Captain Don Karnage

🎵(Don Karnage)🎵
Don Karnage! Haha!

The smaller planes began to form a staircase for Don Karnage to descend to The Sunchaser.

Hoist the flag and weigh the anchor

Circle the ship and pull to flank 'er


He lives to plunder

Two smaller planes latched onto The Sunchaser with their own little grappling hook to prevent the plane from leaving.

🎵(Don Karnage)🎵
It's true I live to plunder

High up in the sky amidst

A sea of storm and thunder

🎵(Don Karnage)🎵
Now back to me, the main event

A pernicious, vicious, rakish gent

A frustratingly charming blaggard

Don Karnage landed inside the plane through the giant hole followed by some of his crew.

He'll steal all of your treasure and your heart

🎵(Don Karnage)🎵
And now we dance, ha!

Don Karnage then began to dance as Scrooge and the kids looked on in confusion. Meanwhile, his crew were stealing their treasure.

He's Don Karnage

🎵(Don Karnage)🎵
That's me!

"Wait, what?" Scrooge asked aloud as they continued to watch Don Karnage dance. I'm asking the same thing, Mr. McDuck.

He's Don Karnage

🎵(Don Karnage)🎵
Still me!


Pilfer the loot to fill our coffers

Been a pleasure to take it off yah

"Hey!" Dewey called out as one of the sky pirates snatched his hat off of his head. They all threw the treasure to the planes as they all whisked away into the sky.

We put on a show then steal your dough

And then to the clouds away we go

🎵(Don Karnage)🎵
To the clouds away I go


Everyone stood there in shook in the now empty cockpit, trying to process what exactly just happened. "What the blazes was that?" Scrooge asked. I have no idea. "Bravo! Bravissimo!" Launchpad shouted while clapping, now next to them. "Launchpad!" Everyone but Charlotte yelled. Launchpad looked at them confused before he realized what they were yelling about and looked to see no one flying the plane. The plane quickly dipped down into the jungle below before crashing into a giant tree.

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