The Living Mummies of Toth-Ra

Start from the beginning

"Living mummies! There's something you don't see everyday, eh, Charlotte?" Scrooge looked back, but noticed that Charlotte wasn't there. "Charlotte!? Webby!? Louie!?" He only found Charlotte's hat on the ground. He picked it up with a worried look. "They must have gone down the other chute into the Pharaoh's Forbidden Chamber." Amunet said. "Forbidden!?"
"Oh no!"
Scrooge stared down at the hat worriedly. She never once separated from me during an adventure. No matter what, she always stayed by my side. "The poor bairns must be scared out of their wits."

"Wee!" Louie exclaimed as they landed in the treasure room. Louie ran around while Webby and Charlotte looked around. "Are we dead!? Is this heaven!?" Louie landed himself on top of a pile of gold coins, enjoying himself. "The ruby ankh of Neferhotep! The ushabti army of Xerxes the third! A prophecy!" Webby said, finding a prophecy carved on the wall. Charlotte pointed at it as a way of asking Webby to translate it. "'To those who serve the Pharaoh Toth-Ra, he brings golden reward, but beware all those who cross him.' And then something I can't quite translate. Something about a curse? Being stuck here for all eternity?" Webby said. Louie slid down a pile of gold coins. "Fine by me." He said.

Webby grabbed his hoodie and dragged him off the pile. "Hmm, best not to touch anything until we find Mr. McDuck. Let's go." Louie got up from the ground. "Or maybe we stay here." Louie suggested. I'm not sure that's a good idea. "It's a room full of treasure. Scroogey's gonna find it." I guess he has a point. "Good thinking. Still, don't touch..." Webby looked over to see Louie emerge from a pile of gold coins and spotting a khopesh. "Well, hello." Louie said to the sickle. "Anything." Webby finished. What were you expecting?

With Scrooge, Amunet was giving everyone a tour. "And that's my hut, and that's a public waste hole." Launchpad took pictures of both her home and the waste hole. "There awful close to each other." Huey said. "It does not smell great, but Almighty Toth-Ra decreed this is where I am to live." Amunet said as Launchpad took a picture of a skeleton that fell from the waste hole. "Oh, and here's the Temple of Toth-Ra." Amunet said, showing them the temple. Scrooge's patience was wearing thin. He pulled in Amunet's bandage, bringing her closer to his face. "See here, Amunet. My kids are trapped. Now you take me to the pharaoh this instant." Scrooge demanded, clutching onto Charlotte's hat. "No need. The pharaoh will be here soon."

A servant nervously placed a bowl of crops in front of the gate to the temple. The pharaoh rose from the top of the temple, perched on his throne. "Bless me bagpipes." Scrooge said upon seeing the pharaoh. The gates lowered down, allowing a guard to grab the bowl. The gates rose back up as the guard made his way into the temple. "Your pharaoh is... pleased." Toth-Ra spoke. "He has accepted our offering. It is time for our golden reward." Amunet said in joy. "I give you the sun!" A brick from the side of the pyramid slide open, allowing the sun's rays to travel into the dark pyramid. Scrooge and the others shielded their eyes from the sudden light as Amunet stood there happily, not at all affected by the sudden light. The farmers quickly watered as much of their crops as they could. As quickly as it came, it was gone just as fast, as the brick slid back into its place to block out the sun.

"That's it?" Dewey asked. "Wait!" Scrooge ran towards the temple as Toth-Ra returned into the temple, the gates stopping him. "Get back here!" But it was too late as Toth-Ra had fully returned into the temple. Scrooge fell to his knees in defeat, holding onto the bars. "Great day, everyone! If we skip meals and start harvesting right now, maybe he'll bring us a full hour of sun tomorrow!" Amunet said to everyone, trying to encourage them. "You know a mummy doesn't actually bring you the sun, right? The earth spins on its axis, creating-." Amunet cut him off. "Aww, not the sharpest sickle in the shed, are you, kid?" She said, patting his head as she walked by. "I got a Junior Woodchuck badge in sickle sharpening that says otherwise!" Huey stated, clearly offended.

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