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"First that bitch Soobins makes a new friend and hes already standing up to bullies! I hate this. He's moved on so fast!" Taehyun slammed his locker close and turned to Kai. Kai nodded while staring down at his phone, focused on a game. Taehyun sighed and snatched the phone from Kai and paused the game.

Kai whined while Taehyun pocketed the phone. "Kai you weren't even listening to me-"

"I know I wasn't Listening to you Taehyun, but shouldn't you be happy he's already made a friend. Instead of you being all sad and whining you should be happy he's doing well... Id be happy if I knew he was doing well, I'm happy for him... He's gonna be okay Taehyun...now gimme my damn phone back!" Kai turned Taehyun around and grabbed his phone from Taehyuns back pocket.

Kai unpaused his game and went back to playing. Taehyun rolled his eyes at Kai and leaned up to fix his messy hair. Although the hallway was loud, the position they were in was absolutely perfect.

"Hi Taehyun! Hi Hueningkai!"

"Not even a second of peace.." Taehyun muttered before he turned around to faceHyunjae. "Hey hyunjae...hows it going?" Hyunjae smiled at Taehyun and clapped her hands "So far the days gone absolutely great for me. I mean I know it's only the morning but I was able to get my hair into space buns! I've always had a hard time doing that so I think today's a lucky day for me!" She said with a wide smile.

"Geez I didn't mean literally.." Taehyun whispered to himself. Kai hit Taehyun in the ribs with his elbow, Taehyun jumped and remembered what him and Kai talked about. He looked over Hyunjaes features and sucked on his teeth. "Uh. Yeah, I uh.. Like your fat cheeks.. You're adorable.." Taehyun said and looked up and Kai for approval.

Kai nodded with a thumbs up. Hyunjae patted her cheeks as a blush formed up her neck. "Hahaha thank you Taehyun! That's like the first nice thing you've ever said to me.. Means a lot.. I'm gonna go now.. I have some things to do in the library.. See you guys later." Hyunjae waved bye to them and walked past them quickly.

"Wow Taehyun that was nice, you're improving" Kai said and patted Taehyuns back. Taehyun looked up at Kai with a scrunched up face. "Yeah well that was too hard for me, I don't think I wanna do it again-"

"We wouldn't want me telling Soobin would we? Because his scolding is worse then mines isn't it?"

Taehyun gasped and pushed Kai back a little "you wouldn't dare tell Soobin!" Kai smirked "you know I would. Now go to class and be nice to people" Kai leaned down and kissed Taehyun head. Taehyun grumbled "you're asking for the impossible but fine. Only for you since you're my man and all" Taehyun hugged Kai tightly and watched as Kai walked away to his class.

"Geez I fucking hate people"


"Hey Taehyun, I didn't know we had this class together" Hyunjae walked next to Taehyuns desk and pointed to the one pushed up against his "can I sit here?"

Taehyun chewed on his pen and nodded. They were already half way into the school day, and just like hyunjae said. He also had no idea they had a class together, he liked it better when he didn't know that. Hyunjae set her book bag down and got out all her school supplies. She pulled out her pencil from the bottom of her book bag and frowned when she saw the broken tip.

Hyunjae looked over at Taehyun who was paying no mind to her and tapped his shoulder "Taehyun-ah. Do you have a pencil I can borrow? Mines broke and it was the only one I had" Hyunjae said with a pout.

Taehyun side eyed hyunjae and reaches in his book bag and pulled a pencil out for hyunjae "I usually use pens buy I carry them around just in case, you can keep it" Taehyun said while Leaning back in his chair.

Hyunjae smiled and set the pencil down "I owe you one Taehyun-"

"Good because I'll be expecting your pudding cup today at lunch.."

Hyunjae giggled at Taehyun. Taehyun sighed and twirled his pen around out of boredom. They still had three minutes till school started and Taehyun had never been more ready for class to start a day in his life.

Hyunjae sighed and looked up at Taehyun with a heart filled smile "you know.... You were pretty mean in the beginning but.. Now you're super nice.. And what you said about me this morning made me feel really happy, if I already didn't say that haha... Thanks for giving me a chance and all, I know I'm not the best but I have no friends and you guys are the only people I know so..yeah"

Taehyun nodded and looked over at hyunjae. "Don't mention fat cheeks." Taehyun said then pinched Hyunjaes cheeks, although some of it was out of hate. Some of it was out of playfulness. No, Taehyun wouldn't admit he was getting use to hyunjae. He still had to make sure she didn't steal Kai from her.

Yes he would admit Hyunjae had nice features. But he was gay after all. Yes he would have to look out for hyunjin just in case she wanted to go after Kai, he could never be to careful. But other then that, she was alright.

Hyunjae scrunched her face up and rubbed her cheeks. "Oh, I have a good way to pay you back. I help the librarian in the library and she pays me back in candy, if you come help with me organizing the books I'll give you the candy. This isn't just old people candy it's like actually candy and chocolate.. You'll love it" She said as the teacher walked into the class room.

Taehyun thought about it before nodding "yeah, I still want the pudding cup through"



Fun fact, when I was in middle school I helped the librarian out and she paid me back in food. The joy times of my life uwu

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