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( For those who may not understand why I said reading the first book was important it's because this book is in the same timeline, just from different POV. This book follows tyunnings POV of the book so if you wanna know the characters more and not be confused, GO READ THE FIRST BOOK!!)

"That slut really left us..."



Taehyun whined and laid back in his bed. Kai stared down at Taehyun and rubbed his belly. Soobin, a friend of theirs since childhood moved way today. They knew it was coming, yet they still hated seeing him leave. Soobin was a very important person to them. Soobin was there for Kai when he got bullied and he was also there for Taehyun when Taehyun refused to play bodge ball, and still had to play it. Someone threw a ball at Taehyun but Soobin blocked it and ended up with a nose bleed.

Soobin was almost like a giant wall that made them feel safe, he stood up to for them and was never scared of a bully.

Although it's not like Soobin was gonna leave them behind, he promised after his first day of school he'd call and tell them everything.

Kai pulled Taehyun up from his bed and groaned "come on we have to get to school or we'll get yelled at again" Kai said and pulled taehyun out of his room and down the stairs. Yes Kai was just as sad as Taehyun was. It was alwasy them three, a trio. They were strong as three and now that soobin was gone.. It was just a duo.

Taehyun wrapped his arm around Kai's shoulder and sloutch while they walked to the bus stop. "How about this eh? After school we can go to our usual and I'll get you some bubble tea" Kai suggested. Taehyun groaned in response and shook his head. "I don't want any bubble tea.."

"How about....bingsoo~~" Kai sang softly. Taehyun slowly looked up and smiled.

No matter how Sad Taehyun was, Kai knew exactly how to make Taehyun feel better. They both had a special connection, they were always in sync.

Taehyun will admit it when he says he use to have a big crush on Kai. He's mood would light when Kai was around. But Taehyun alwasy felt that deep down, Kai didn't like Taehyun the same way Taehyun did. So he slowly started to lose his feelings, he distracted himself by other things. Anything to help take his mind off of the way he felt for Kai.

Which is super duper hard for Taehyun when Kai constantly flirts with Taehyun.

"You'll really get me some bingsoo?" Taehyun asked and stopped slouching. Kai nodded as the bus pulled up for then. The two teens walked on the bus and Taehyun sighed as they walked to two open seats and sat next to each other.

"I'm sorry.. It's just weird, Soobin isn't here and it's just us... It's was always you and Soobin then me.. He was always here. He was the glue...now it's us, you know" Taehyun muttered. Kai nodded and nugged Taehyun.

"Yeah.. It's just us now.. But that's not so bad.. We're an amazing duo Taehyun, I'll ways be there for you and you'll be there for me hm? We've got each other's backs" Kai said, giving Taehyun small head pats.

Taehyun looked at Kai and slowly pushed his hand away with a growing  blush "Kai I love you and all but touch my hair again and I'll fold you.... On sight" Taehyun said softly.


"Everyday that bitch ass lunch lady gives me the same Stank face and it makes me wanna punch those fake ass eyelashes off her face. The janitor will never love her with all that gave shit on her ugly ass face—"

"Taehyun could to please stop Insulting grown people and eat, all this stress will make you lose your hair" Kai teased Taehyun. Taehyun gasped and started to eat.

"I refuse to loose my hair, my amazing beautiful hair" Taehyun said and did a dramatic hair flip. Kai shook his head and ate some rice. The two ate in silence till a girl walked up to the two and tapped kais shoulder.

"Um..hi I'm um..hyunjae and I'm new.. Can I sit with you guys?" She asked with an Innocent smile.

Taehyun set his chopsticks down and swallowed the rest of his food. "We're gay" He simply said and went back to eating. Hyunjae raised her eyebrows and shook her head "oh it's fine I won't judge your sexuality or anything like that—"

"I'm sorry, I was trying to say we don't want you to sit next to us. I refuse someone to replace Soobin on his first day gone. Now leave us alone" Taehyun said sharply. Hyunjae jumped back at Taehyuns words and bit her lip. "I'm sorry for your loss—"

"He's not DEAD you dummy He just moved outta town. God your so annoying" Taehyun said and muttered the last part under his breath, taehyun couldn't help but roll his eyes

"Come on Tae don't be mean, she didn't know... You can sit with us.. Just not next to Taehyun alright" Kai said and patted the seat next to him.

Hyunjae gave Kai a small smile and sat next to him. "Sorry if I do seem stupid... I'm not the smartest person in the world.." She said and played with her short hair that stopped right by her shoulders.

Kai Nodded "it's okay, Taehyun is just a depressed potato today.." Kai said and went back to eating. Hyunjae slowly nodded and looked at Taehyun. "I'm sure this Soobin guy knows how much you guys miss him" She said and started to eat.

Taehyun rolled his eyes and set his chopsticks down "yea he should, I held on his legs while he walked to the car to leave that his fucking pants fell down, that hoe better know that I miss his tall ass" Taehyun muttered while opening his drink. The table was silent till hyunjae opened her mouth.

"Oh? Did you have a crush on Soobin, Taehyun?"

Kai chocked on his rice so hard that it almost shot out of his nose. Taehyun chocked on his drink, almost spilling it on his pants. The two coughed their hearts out till Taehyun finally said with tears in his eyes.

"Never in a million years will I like that tall slut like that! I'm gonna tape your damn mouth close! You almost killed me you must be insane!!


Welcome to take off all your cool hehe.

Hyunjae is dumb like Dumb like Beomgyu, but a girl :3

Sorry for any spelling mistakes.

Bye bye now

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