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Taehyun walked down the street while pulling kai with him, eager to get a taste of his bingsoo. Kai stumbled over his own feet as Taehyun dragged him along.

"Okay Taehyun we can only be an hour, I have to get back to school and get ready for the game. You'll be there right?" Kai asked and finally got out of Taehyuns hold. Taehyun nodded "you'll pick a fight if I don't" Taehyun groaned. Kai smiled before wrapping his arm over Taehyuns shoulders. The two boys walked down the sidewalk in silence. The sound of the leaves shaking and cars passing by were the  only sounds that could really be heard.

Taehyun liked it, the time him and Kai had together. Kai knew what Taehyun liked better, Kai knew how to calm Taehyun down.. He knew everything about Taehyun. And that's what Taehyun loved about Kai.

"Taehyun... Why we're you so mean to hyunjae? All she wants is to be friends..." Kai said while said, breaking their perfect silence.

Taehyun rolled his eyes and scoffed "it's just.... Soobins probably having a blast, making new friends and becoming a popular kid or something... And we're just here.. Not with Soobin.. He's our friend too. We were all close! And now he's gone.. That girl just comes and asking if she can sit down. The whole day it's felt like she's said 'oh an empty seat? Can I sit there, looks like no one else sits there anyways' that shit hurts okay. She basically barged in... I don't like her.." Taehyun ranted as they finally reached the small restaurant that sold their favorite bingsoo.

Kai sighed and shook his head "like she knew Soobin was even a thing when she walked over. She's new, she has no friends.. You out of all people know how it feels to have no friends—"

"Bitch don't try and guilt me into liking her just because I know the feeling of being alone at school with no one to eat with at lunch, I ain't pitying her ass. Id rather get to like her and except her for her then pity her and like her" Taehyun said then stormed into the restaurant.

Kai sighed and followed after Taehyun.


"You will be at the game right?" Kai asked again while the two walked back to the school. Taehyun enjoyed his Bingsoo "yes, you get all whiney when I don't. I'll be there.." Taehyun said with a sigh. Kai smiled down at Taehyun and wrapped his arm around Taehyuns waist. "You should come sleep over..." Kai said while they silently walked down the street.

Taehyun chuckled before shaking his head "no you dirty whore, I know what you wanna do and I'm not doing it.." Taehyun said the  gently elbowed Kais ribs. Kai gasped and pulled Taehyun closer. "Me! I was thinking maybe we could watch the twilight saga and laugh about it, but YOU~~~ were probably thinking of something dirty" Kai said before he tried to touch Taehyuns hair.

"Okay and!? It's not like we haven't done anything before!" Taehyun faught back. Kai gasped "we haven't you idiot! You better not be talking about that kiss!"

Taehyun grabbed Kai's hand that was around his waist and nodded "you know I was talking about that kiss. And you know you loved it"

Kai suddenly stopped in his tracks and raised an eyebrow. "Oh? Yeah I did love it but I wasn't the one whining when we stopped kissing.." Taehyuns mouth gapped open while they stared each other down. Their small staring contest became intense while a sudden fire grew within the two.

But Taehyun quickly snapped out of it. "I can feel the sexual tension growing and Soobin isn't here to snap us out of it..." Taehyun said making Kai let out a deep sigh. "Oh thank god I was thinking the same thing, I was getting scared we were gonna make out behind a bush or something"

Taehyun let out a soft laugh and continued to walk while pulling Kai along. "We don't have time for that, you're gonna be late for the game if we do, maybe another time" Taehyun said while giving Kai a teasing look.

Their walk back to school became peaceful again. The school was getting closer and closer as the two walked, and soon they were both in front if the school building.

"How come we don't date?" Kai asked  while biting his lower lip. Taehyun let out a deep sigh, Kai always tended to ask this question. And Taehyun always have back the same answer.

"We both agreed to stay friends, we tried dating and it didn't work out. You know this"

Kai bit his tongue, Taehyun was right. They did try, they really did. But things just didn't work out for them.

"Maybe we're missing something hm? We both love each other, but things are always off. And it breaks apart.. We're better off friends Kai... Now go get ready for the game, I'll be in the front row watching you cheer the whole time" Taehyun said before he leaned up and gave Kai a soft kiss on the lips.

Kai immediately kissed Taehyun back, Kai loves Taehyuns kisses. They were warm and his lips were soft. Kai could never resist them, he loved Taehyun But he couldn't at the same time. They both knew this, yet their still talking and acting like couple. Yes you can call their relationship complicated and weird, but, that's how they liked it. They liked telling people they were friends but later acting like a couple around them.

They didn't know their label with each other, and that's what they liked.


"Taehyun-ah~~~ look over here" Kai said from the field. Taehyun gave Kai a lazy smile and waved. The game was in halftime and the cheer leading time was taking a small break to fix their makeup and hair. But Kai made it his personal mission to see Taehyun blush from the crowd, so he called out Taehyuns name and made cute gestures to him.

Of course Taehyun was use to all of this. But he couldn't help but smile at Kai's light Makeup and outfit, Kai really was made to be a cheerleader.

"Is this seat open?" Someone said next to Taehyun. Taehyun nodded, not taking his eyes off of Kai doing small dances for him.

Kai stooped dancing midway and waved "hi hyunjae~~" Kai yelled then went back to dancing.

Taehyun blinked as it took him all of two seconds to realize who was sitting next to him. He let out a deep sigh and looked to his right.

Hyunjae gave Taehyun a big smile. "Hi Taehyun. I know we got off on the wrong foot this morning so I wanna apologize, if I was rude or anything. Kai told you were really upset because your friend moved away. So I'm sorry if I made things worse" Hyunjae said with an honest smile.

Taehyun stared at Hyunjae with a blank expression. "It's fine...I was an asshole, and you didn't know... I'm not a mean person or anything. I was just a little upset... But I'm fine now" Taehyun said slowly before he turned back to watch Kai dance, only to see Kai was over by the rest of the cheerleaders getting his hair fixed.

"I hope we can be good friends, not saying I wanna replace your other friend! But You guys are the only people I know here, so I hope you can make an exception for me..."

Taehyun yawned while nodded "honestly I really don't have a choice, not in a bad way. I just know you won't leave us alone so eh, just stay away from Kai... That's my man.."


Lick your lips.

How many of you actually licked em?

Sorry for any spelling mistakes.

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