Chapter 3

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After many, and when I say many, many hours of flying. We had to take many breaks and take many rests. But finally we made, camp half blood.

I was in the lead when whe saw it. A camp with 20 cabins, a camp fire, and a huge building. It looks delightful, too bad we'll be hiding near, in secret and stealing their food whenever we can. 

I landed runnning. My flock does the same. We're not that far from this 'camp half blood'. Only about 15 feet. We walk about another 5 feet and stop. I see this huge tree. Home sweet home, eh? We all fly up picking out a branch or branches. Since I did this before with them I know that I will need somehting seperating me from them. ESpeically if Aden and Ray are next to me. 

So I search for leaves, grasses, and basically whatever I find and weave them together. Only expect I don't know how. So in the end it looks like a two year old made it. 

I let out a breath and pace it down. Then I get an idea, Summer camps have blankets right? So I quietly sneek up to the camp. I hide behind a tree and watch has hundreds of kids walk around. On second hand this might not be as easy as I thought.

Asuming that the cabins would probaly have them I sneek in the first one I see. It has a bbunch of bright yellow bed sheets and stuff. So I quickly grab as much blankets and pillows as I can. Hopefully no one will miss them. Or not. Not my problem now.

With my arms stuffed I run out of this camp. Someone yells at me to stop but I ignore them and run. Of course, I'm not dumb. I avoid our hideout and out run the person. Then I go to our tree. 

When I show up with blankets and pillows everyone lets out '' who raas '' even little Lola. I luagh and drop them. I snatched  5 blankets and 3 pillows. So even though I wanted to use my blanket for privaticy I end up giving up on that idea. I take my blanket and give Lola, Hattie and Aden the pillows. So Ray and I scather up some leaves and tried to make at least a decent head rest.

I don't know about Ray but mine was terrible. My head pratically scraped the branch. I curled up to use part of my blanket as a shield form the wood. Slowly I slept.

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I woke up from a nightmare. Not a good one. But in a couple of seconds I forgot about it. 

The rest of the flock is already up. '' Okay lets go dumpster diving for some left over dinner for breakfast ''.  We all smile and slowly get out of the tree. 

As we approach the camp we all slur our steps. Few people are up so we must have awaken earlier then we expected. I see a small trash can. I nod my head towards it so they understand. 

I walk in the camp casually. They all where the smae orange shirt and look confuesed at me. '' I got ketchup on my shirt '' I say with a luagh. They nod put still eye me. I walk up to the trash can. I look in as I walk by. No food. I go to the next and the next. Same thing, only wrappers. I see a kitchen. But before I enter our only hope I make eye contact with Hatti and nod towards the kitchen. She nods slightly. 

I sneek in the kitchen when no one was looking. I see only a few things. How do these campers get feed? I grab everything, which frantly wasn't much. A jar of pickels, some mini square shaped sandwhiches, some mini carrots, and some water bottles. They were set on a blanket which makes me think someone was about to have a picnic. As I exit the 'kitchen' I hear some voices. 

'' Ok here's the suprise- where did it go?! '' says a male voice. I chuckle as I pace out of the camp. I carry the food with my shirt. People really start to give me weird looks. I walk into the woods and some people call '' Hey sto- wait who are you?! ''. I fly off to the tree where my flock should've gone as I got the food. 

Why are these campers so surprised that someone who isn't inthere rich people club can just walk in? It's not like they have much protection.

As I land with the food 4 hungry faces stare at me. I give a 'eh' look. I drop what w ehave and we split the rations. Lola gets 4 pickels, 2 mini sandwhiches, and a cup of water. ( We made some cups out of tree bark. ) Aden gets a pack of mini carrots,  2 mini snadwhiche and waters. Since he hates pickels he got none which ment more for me! Hattie got 2 minisnadwhiches, a pack of carrots, 3 pickels and some water. Ray got 2 mini snadwhiches, 5 pickels and some water. And I, Saige, get 2 mini snadwhiches, 7 pickels ( becuase I'm the one who snatched the food ) and water. 

In about 20 seconds everything was gone and our stomachs yet still growled. '' Well I guess we need to start getting food from somewhere else. They had like no food! '' I say. We came here to steal food and other stuff. Hiw can we do that  if they have nothing to begin with?! I start to moan as I hear a deep steady voice. 

'' Come out and we won't attack ''. It's not an eraser, that I know for sure. As I turn to the voice I see a man, in a wheel chair with about 30 kids behind him. We could have flown except for the fact that they add arrows pointes at us. Not good.

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