I open the door not even thinking about it because it's my room and I'm used to just going in and I should have knocked, but the sight in front of me makes me glad I didn't.

There is Bella standing in just a towel and her hair wet which proves she just got out of the shower. I take a few seconds to lock this image in my mind. The image of her smooth tan legs and the water droplets running down her neck from her hair going down in between her chest. And how there is only a towel covering her most sacred places.

She sees me standing there and her eyes open wide. I began to get nervous and say, "I'm sorry I should have knocked."

"No umm it's ok, I needed to ask you something anyways." Bella says.

"Oh uh what did you need?"

"I was just wondering if you had anything I could wear?" She asks and looks down shyly it her feet.

I go over to my closet and pull out one of my black hoodies and the smallest pair of sweatpants I can find. "I hope these are ok," I say as she takes them from me and gives me a thankful smile," They are perfect thanks."

"Well I came up here to tell you that there is breakfast down stairs so when you are done come down ok?" I say and she nods her head. And with that I leave and go back downstairs.


After a few minutes Bella comes down the stairs to join us for breakfast.

Josh and Owen know of Bella's suicide attempt and even though they were devastated at the fact that they might've never seen Bella again, they know not to talk about it and try to make Bella feel better.

She comes down wearing my hoodie and sweatpants and can I just say woooow she looks so fucking good in my clothes. I could just take her right here, right now.

She takes a seat in between me and Josh while Owen is besides josh. I dish her up a plate of eggs and bacon, not to much because I know if she eats to much she will just throw it back up.

We all finish eating when an idea pops in my head.

"Bella, how would you feel about joining the gang?" I ask and Bella snaps her head in my direction and so do Josh and Owen.

"Are you sure?" She asks. This girl has no idea how I feel about her and that needs to change.

"Yes, you have been with us for a little while now and you are already apart of us and the main gang members live together which you also do so it would make sense to let you join." That and the fact that I want to work with you and spend even more time with you.

I shake my head to rid of my thoughts, now is not the time. "Well then sure, that would be cool." Bella says and a genuine smile comes to my face, like an actual smile!

"Hell yah your tied to us forever now Bella," Josh says and Bella laughs. That actually doesn't sound bad at all.


We spend the rest of the day watching movies, eating junk food, and playing video games.

"Are you kidding me you win again, this is the fourth time!" Josh yells and Bella laughs.

They have been playing video games for hours and Bella keeps beating Josh. I chuckle at the two and watch how relaxed and happy Bella looks. I'm glad that she can feel that way with us.

"I guess we know who the best player is now right Owen?" Bella asks still looking at Josh.

"Yah Bella you kick ass, especially Josh's ass." Owen says.

Josh rolls his eyes and plops back down on the couch in the game room.

Josh and Owen said they were going to make something to eat and left for the kitchen leaving me and Bella alone.

I scoot closer to Bella and she turns to me with a small smile. "I want to show you this place tonight, are you ok with that?" I ask. "Yah sure-" Bella gets cut off with a loud banging noise.

Me and Bella turn to look at each other before running to the kitchen to see a bunch of pots on the floor and cooking ingredients spilled all over the floor.

Josh and Owen stand up at the sound of our footsteps and both point a finger at one another, "He did it!" they say at the same time and glare at each other.

I turn to Bella and see she has a hand over her mouth trying not to laugh at the sight in front of us.

I turn back to the two dumbasses, "I don't care who did it just make sure it's all cleaned up." I say and turn back to Bella.

"Come with me and I will show you that place I was talking about," I say and grab her hand to pull her up the stairs towards my room.

I go over to the sliding door and open it to bring both of us outside on the rooftop.

There are chairs up here and lights so you can see where your going. I drag Bella to the chairs and we both sit down, if you look up all you can see are the stars. This is my favorite place to go to.

I look over to Bella to see she has a shocked, but happy expression on her face. "Wow James this is absolutely amazing," She says as she's looking up at the stars.

I stare at her a moment longer before she turns to face me and fuck she is beautiful.

"Thank you James for saving me in more ways then one." She says and smiles at me.

"It's no problem Bella, now that your with us, we stick together." She smiles at me and I just want to see that smile forever I don't want to ever lose her or see her without that smile.

We stare at each other a few seconds and I now realize that we both started to lean in, I didn't even notice it. But I look down at her lips and they are so close to mine, and I just want to kiss them so bad. I want to feel them on mine and slip my tongue in between them. I want to touch Bella and hold her.

We lean in more and now I can feel Bella's breathe on my lips and I start to close me eyes.

And our lips finally touch...

And our lips finally touch

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