Chapter 10: Gourgeist Swamp

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Popplio's P.O.V.

I run from upstairs down to the living as I was Chairo and Litten waiting for me in front of the door, they really wear some neat costumes. Chairo was wearing a spiky eared Pichu costume while Litten was wearing a knight costume.

Popplio: "Hey! Sorry I'm late! You two looked great!"

Chairo: "I like your Diancie costume, you look so beautiful."

Popplio: *Blushes* "R-Really?"

Chairo: "Yep!"

Litten: "Ahem! So, Popplio? Where is this guts' test take place?"

Popplio: "Hyde said it's at Gourgeist Swamp."

Litten: "That cursed swamp? Now this is interesting."

Chairo: "Will it be alright? What if it was really cursed like others said it was?"

Popplio: "Well, if everything goes wrong, blame it on Hyde."

Chairo and Litten: "Agree."



Hyde: ""Achoo! Why does it feel like someone is talking about me?"



Litten: "So? We got everything we need for this?"

Chairo: "Flashlights, pocket knife, quick aid kits, check."

Popplio: "Some snacks, snacks, and even more snacks, check!"

Chairo: "Are you really just bringing some snacks?"

Popplio: "Well duh! They are important!"

Chairo: (I should've known when it comes to her...)

Litten: "Well Chairo? Can you open a portal for us?"

Chairo: "Huh? We're not with Incineroar?"

Litten: "What makes you think my Dad will allow us to go on a cursed swamp all by ourselves in the middle of the night?"

Popplio: "Make sense."

Litten: "Chairo? If you would."

Chairo: "Roger."

Chairo opens a portal for us then we jumped into it one by one. Not after long, we arrived in front of the Gourgeist Swamp where everyone is waiting for us.

Popplio: "We're here!!"

Rowlet: "About time you guys showed up."

Hyde: "Eeey! Popsicle!"

Chairo: "Did we miss something?"

Snivy: "Don't worry; we were just here as well."

Zorua: "You three look super!"

Litten: "You guys are too. And Dewott didn't start any fight again, right?"

Mimikyu: "Luckily not."

Brionne: "Hey Litten! You look super handsome~!"

Litten: *Blushes* "Hehe, you look cute as well."

Brionne: *Blushes* "Aww thanks~"

Popplio: "..."

Chairo: "Popplio, let it-"

Popplio: "Go? Yeah, I already know. I'm actually feeling bland now when seeing them."

Litten: "Well good for you then."

Hyde: "Alright guys! Now we will have to go on pairs to get through this swamp and we have to come back to the same spot again after 3 hours, got it?"

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