Chapter 2- What to believe

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I walked out of my room, heading for the stairs when our house helper, Carol stopped in front of me. Carol had been our cook and cleaner since before I was born. She even helped raise my dad.

Carol was my father's Ralyn. She was an honest and caring lady but disrespect her and feel a mothers wrath.

"Good morning little moon. I'm so happy to see you out of bed" Carol said as she grabbed my hand.

"Morning Aunt Carol. I had to get up at some point right? You can thank Josie and mom for that." I only responded to her because I was raised it is polite to do so. I had no energy to make conversation but its Auntie Carol.

"I found this in your mother's study while I was cleaning in there today. Wear it, it will give you the strength it gave her when this pack didn't recognize her as Christopher's mate. It was a gift from your father." Carol put a golden cross with an infinity symbol in my hand. It was simple yet beautiful.

In that moment, I remembered my mothers words and hugged Carol

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In that moment, I remembered my mothers words and hugged Carol. My mother might be gone but her ghost sure knows when to show up I thought to myself.

"Thank you Carol. Three generations of females in this family, the pack giving us problems. Only this time I am a full blooded wolf and still they take my mate from me." I say trying hold back the tears.
I chuckle nervously looking anywhere but at Aunt Carol and when my eyes land on her she looks at me with pity.

"Not you too Auntie. Don't give me that look. I don't need you looking at me like that. I can't stand it." I cracked. A single tear drop escaped from eye.

"I'm sorry little moon. I've just been around to see your grandmother get the ill treatment and then your mother. It breaks my heart seeing it happen to you when our alpha often said how happy he was that you were mated to his son." Carol said.

"If we keep talking about this, I'll burst and we don't want Josey to kill you for ruining my face now. Let me get this over with. Can you help me with this?" I handed her the necklace to put around my hair as I lifted my hair.

"There. Now you look just like her." Carol said with a twinkle in her eye as she wiped the stray tear from my face.
"She was a very beautiful woman that Kimberly"

"Thank you Aunt Carol. It is beautiful" I gave her one last hug.

"All your bags are packed and loaded into the car. I hope you use the time to find the strength your mother found even when she was in pain. She is after all your mother, you should take after her." Carol pointed out.

"I will. See you soon Auntie. I will send pictures" I hold her hand again and kiss her cheek. "Bye old moon" I giggled because I haven't called her that in ages. That was what I called her when she called me little moon. It only made sense. I shake my head laughing as I descend the stairs sniffing the air for my mates scent. I followed it all the way to my dad's office. I knocked 3 times signaling to my dad my arrival in case he didn't catch my scent which is impossible but it's happened once.

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