Chapter 4

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Hi again! I hope you all like this chapter! Picture of Haley on the side -------------->


"We're going shopping!" An excited squeal reached my ears. 

I groaned. No. Not Zoe again. I had made the mistake of telling her about the unfortunate incident. I thought she'd be understanding about it. Well, sure, she was. She had gone all wide-eyed with me and patted my arm. She had lent me some clothes for the day. Next thing I knew, she was suggesting to go shopping. 

Of course, I  had told her that it wasn't a good idea, and all. But she had insisted and even tried the puppy dog look. I had given her a negative answer again, shaking my head fervently. Yet, here she was. In my house. 

I shut my laptop and tiptoed stealthily across to my brother's room. I turned the handle of the door slowly and  peeped inside. My brother, hearing the creaking of the door, turned to look at me. 

"What?" He asked, an irritated expression on his face. I grimaced. 

"Why is Zoe here? Did you open the door?" I asked, ignoring his question.

"What?" He asked again, this time louder, a bored expression on his face. Then I noticed that he had headphones over his ears.  I went over to him and yanked them off. He frowned. 

"Ouch. Easy girl." 

"Brian, did you open the door for Zoe?" 

"Well, yes."

"Brian! You know Zoe's not my type of friend!" I said, irritation washing over me. "And you don't like her that much either!"  To my suprise, he looked away. Oh my god, I swear I saw him turning pink. I smiled, amused, unable to stay angry any longer. 

"You like her, don't you?" I said, smiling like a total nut now. Brian twisted his neck towards me so fast that I thought he might have broken  it.  

"What? No. Forget it.  Get out of here now, Hale. I want to listen to music." 

"B-but-t------" I tried to say but the door was slammed in my face already. Huff. He totally likes Zoe. Just won't accept it. Anyway, time to go see Zoe now. 

I went down the stairs of my house and down to the living room, where she was resting comfortably on the couch.  I approached her.

"Zoe!" I greeted her. Her eyes lighted up when she saw me. 

"Haley! Ready to go shopping?" She replied, grinning from ear to ear. I grinned back. It was hard not to like that bubblehead. 

"I guess. I'll just grab my bag." 

Ten minutes later, we were on the way to the mall. I was wearing my dad's old sweatshirt and black tights. It was all that I could find. Zoe looked over at me disapprovingly.

"We're going to shop for amazing stuff and make you look pretty!" She said, giving me a quick glance.  

"Eyes on the road, Zoe." I said quickly. 

"Yea, oops." 

Soon we reached the mall. I leapt out of the car, eager to get it over as soon as possible. Zoe came out elegantly. 

"Be smooth, Haley. Smooth. Like a girl."

"Which I'm not." I  murmured under my breath.

"Which you are." She said, with an amused smile. "Come on now, let's get this started!" 

I followed her inside the mall. She was like the teacher and I was the ignorant student. Zoe stopped in front of Forever 21. "Ahh." I  heard her saying gleefully. She strutted inside and started looking around. She waved for one of the saleswomen. The women at once nodded and started towards her. 

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