Chapter 7

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I was procrastinating online (like always) when I remembered wattpad. Then I thought, why not write another chapter? Sounds like a worthwhile thing to do. 

So here goes! Chapter 7!  =) 


I felt cold and warm at the same time. Something velvety was skimming over my whole body. I felt as though I was naked, yet I could feel rough cloth touching my skin. I tried to force my eyes open, but my eyelids felt way too heavy. It was as if some weight was put on them. 

I gave up trying to open my eyes and just resorted to the peaceful surroundings, even though I couldn't see it. This must be heaven. Heaven must be luxurious. And this place was hell more than luxurious. 

Suddenly, I felt a constriction in my chest area. Okay, this can't be heaven, The constriction became more and more uncomfortable until I let myself go. I got the feeling of being in an elevator, when it goes up. Suddenly, my face met with freezing cold wind. I could feel it prominently slapping against my cheeks. This time, my eyes opened  automatically. 

All I saw was water around me. Blue, vast and endless. Like a sea. 

What? I opened my eyes wider. I was in a sea? I searched around wildly for a clue. I could see a brown muddy area and rocks looming above me. The earlier events of the evening came rushing back to me. 

So. I was in the lake. The big, huge, incredibly deep lake. Not to mention freezing now. This must be my lucky day.

I splashed around like a wet dog trying to find its drowning owner, except in this case, there was no drowning owner. Only me. Moi.

Oh, did I mention? I can't swim.  

At that instant, I saw a boat approaching towards me. Oh crap, no, scratch that. It was heading in the opposite direction. I tried to yell, but only a croak managed to slip out. 

Then I remembered. I COULD WHISTLE. Yes, I, Haley, could do this while drowning.

I whistled as loud as I could. Thankfully, the boat person seemed to have heard me and quickly started steering in my direction. A torch light shined on my face, obviously held by the person in the boat. Why did I suddenly feel like I was in the Titanic?

As the boat neared me, I glimpsed at the face of my rescuer. 

I think I blacked out. 


"Hey, are you okay? Talk to me." I head a frantic voice addressing me. A hand gently ran along my cheek, making me shiver violently and cough up water. 

I sat up quickly, my head spinning madly. "I think I need an aspirin." I said, spitting more water out. And then I saw my rescuer more clearly. Funny, the rescuer had donned the face of Zack. Yeah right. 

What? Zack?

I stared at him, my eyes confused and my brain jammed. "What are did.....why are you..?" My mouth couldn't stop blurting out meaningless questions.

Zack frowned. "Don't worry about that right now. Are you fine?"

I sat up straighter, letting my eyes discover the little room I was sitting in. "Wait, where am I?" I asked, my voice rising due to panic. 

"You're in a tent." His gentle voice informed me. 

"And what am I doing in a tent?" 

"I was camping here. You were in the lake, drowning."

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